
Business.Scoop » PACMAT deployed to Tonga to support the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum

Business.Scoop » PACMAT deployed to Tonga to support the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum

Press Release – Pasifika Medical Association Group

We have a diverse team of trained emergency response healthcare professionals ready to provide the assistance needed. When called upon, we respond quickly, delivering on our commitment to our partners.

At the request of the Tongan Government, the Pacific Medical Association (PMA) group deployed the PMA Medical Assistance Team (PACMAT) last Friday to support the annual Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) Leaders’ Meeting, which begins today in Nuku’alofa, Tonga, until 30 August 2024. The meeting saw a significant influx of Pacific leaders gathered in the country’s capital to discuss regional issues, solutions and other key agenda items.

PACMAT is supporting Tonga’s health personnel throughout the meeting. Its last deployment to the Kingdom of Tonga was in 2022, following the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption and tsunami, sending teams to provide mental health and psychosocial support to affected individuals and communities.

Executive Director Debbie Sorensen affirms PMA’s commitment to support.

“We have a diverse team of trained emergency response health professionals ready to provide the assistance needed. When called upon, we respond quickly, delivering on our commitment to our partners. We are proud to support the Kingdom of Tonga and meet their needs during this important regional event.”

“Providing effective and contextual support is also a priority, which is why the deployment team is made up of health professionals of Tongan origin.”

Leading the six-member team of doctors, nurses and logistics staff is Dr Veisinia Matoto, PMA’s Clinical Director for the New Zealand Medical Treatment Scheme (NZMTS). Dr Matoto, a specialist physician, has strong ties to Tonga’s health sector, with a medical career spanning more than two decades at Vaiola Hospital, Tonga’s Ministry of Health.

Dr Matoto talks about the aims of the deployment and his return to Tonga as a PMA representative.

“Our goal is to support our colleagues on the ground. Tonga’s invitation to assist us highlights the strong ties and meaningful relationships that exist across the Pacific region. We are honored to partner with Tonga’s health professionals to ensure that any potential health emergencies are addressed effectively.”

“It’s always a pleasure to come home and serve our community, and we are grateful for this opportunity.”

PACMAT was established in 2009 to respond to requests for assistance from New Zealand and the Pacific region in the event of a sudden onset disaster or disease outbreak. PACMAT is comprised of Pacific health professionals and experts from a variety of disciplines who are highly qualified and experienced to provide support in emergency situations.

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