
Searsport fundraiser helps dogs seized in animal cruelty case

Searsport fundraiser helps dogs seized in animal cruelty case

SEARSPORT, Maine (WABI) – Local businesses that previously supported Coastal Dreams Rescue and Sanctuary have come together to raise money for dogs who were found to be victims of animal cruelty.

A silent auction and fundraiser was held Sunday at H&H Mercantile in Searsport.

Many local businesses, like Portable Pie Place, helped organize the event.

Earlier this month, 27 dogs were seized from Coastal Dreams Rescue, which was living in poor conditions. The shelter owner is now facing charges of aggravated cruelty to animals.

Organizers hope the money raised from the event will fill the void left behind.

“This is a big day for us, for healing. We were obviously devastated by the news and knowing that there were so many animals injured and in need, and we thought we were helping,” said Jessica Schramm of Portable Pie Place.

“It was a way for us to turn all this anger about all the horrible things that happen to these animals into something positive. So with the money we make today, we’re going to use it for medical care, food, beds and everything that these dogs needed,” Schramm said.

For those wishing to support the cause, a donation page can be found here.