
Cauvery: Meeting between representatives of farmers from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

Cauvery: Meeting between representatives of farmers from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

Farmers’ representatives from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu met in Thanjavur on Tuesday (August 27) to try to find an amicable solution to the Cauvery water sharing issue between the two states.

Speaking on behalf of the farmers of Karnataka, Kuruburu Shanthakumar gave a brief account of the problems they are facing due to drought and the current status of water availability in the state for agricultural purposes.

Expressing the grievances of Tamil Nadu farmers, PR Pandian, a farmer leader from Tiruvarur district, maintained that building a dam at Rasimanal in Tamil Nadu instead of Mekedatu in Karnataka would solve the water needs of both the states.

The meeting ended amicably with both sides preferring to hold the next round of talks in Karnataka soon.