
Florida veterans’ nursing homes need $3.5 million more to cover expenses through 2025 • Florida Phoenix

Florida veterans’ nursing homes need .5 million more to cover expenses through 2025 • Florida Phoenix

The Florida Department of Veterans Affairs is asking the state Legislature for $3.5 million to cover additional food and contractor costs at its nursing homes through July 2025, citing increased occupancy.

Lawmakers on the Florida Legislative Budget Committee are expected to meet Friday to consider the department’s request, which says it does not have enough money to cover projected nursing home expenses through the opening of the next fiscal year next summer, according to a budget amendment.

This year, the eight state-run nursing homes and one assisted living facility received $29.5 million to pay for contracted services and $4.3 million to buy food.

But the department says its veterans homes are nearly full, with the request for additional funds indicating that occupancy is up 26 percent from last year.

The bulk of the additional funding, $2,692,901, would go to contracted services such as housekeeping. The department attributed the shortfall to rising costs for food, therapy and contract increases.

In June, Gov. Ron DeSantis approved a bill that would allow spouses and widows of veterans to live in state-run nursing homes. The governor’s office recommended that the Legislature approve the budget amendment.

The budget committee will consider 15 amendments, including $543,500 to repair the air conditioning at the Florida Department of Commerce headquarters. The committee is made up of lawmakers from both houses and is used to adjust the current fiscal year’s budget in the event of a deficit or emergency. The additional money would come from state reserves.