
Transforming pediatric cancer patient rooms

Transforming pediatric cancer patient rooms

Kelly O'Donnell of Designing DreamsKelly O'Donnell of Designing Dreams
Kelly O’Donnell of Designing Dreams

You’ll often find your Coronado neighbor, Kelly O’Donnell, at Coronado Coffee Company at the ferry landing sipping a cinnamon honey latte with oat milk. As the executive director of Designing Dreams, Kelly can work anywhere, but prefers to find new spaces around town. I can only imagine how working with pediatric cancer patients can weigh on your mind, but Kelly is positive and passionate when talking about Designing Dreams.

About Designing Dreams

In 2020, Kelly took over the organization from the students who founded the nonprofit in Wisconsin. Kelly moved the organization to San Diego after the pandemic and has been committed to its success here ever since.

Dream Design Organization is a 501(c)(3) charity that supports pediatric cancer patients. Kelly explains that rigorous cancer treatments leave many children too immunocompromised to leave their homes. “Designing Dreams transforms the bedrooms of children battling cancer to create a nurturing healing space for children who are struggling with the loneliness, isolation, and limitations of their cancer journey.”

Designing dreams and local partnerships

Kelly is very proud of the partnerships the organization has established in the San Diego and Coronado communities. “We partner with Rady Children’s Hospital, and the Child Life, Social Work and Oncology team identifies children who are going through a particularly difficult treatment journey and require long periods of isolation at home – we see a lot of replacements, bone marrow transplants and amputations – and work primarily with low-income families with single parents.

Bedrooms are selected by Rady Children’s Hospital’s Child Life Specialist and often require significant renovation, reorganization and optimization of their living spaces. Bedrooms are designed by professional interior designers, functional space experts and professional organizers.

Kelly says: “We partner with professional interior designers and are fortunate to work with some of them here on the island. Bungalow 56 And Nicolls Construction They are working on one of our rooms and are really stepping up to help us.

Kelly explains how the process works. “We are the middleman between the interior designers and the hospital. We pay for it and we do the project management. The professional interior designers come in and redesign the space. They donate their time and expertise, and then the materials are paid for by the charity.”

Photos of Yami’s room before designing Dreams:

Yami’s Room Experience

When Kelly reached out to Bungalow 56, their immediate response was yes. Lead designer Karyn Molina knew they wanted to be a part of it. Karyn says, “We were paired with a little girl, Yami, and her family in El Cajon. Yami is an incredible crochet artist and made all of these little animals. She sells them locally at swap meets and fundraisers. They are just adorable!”

Yami shares a room with her brother, so Bungalow 56 got creative with the mixed-use space. Plus, they had an enclosed shed that Nicolls Construction was also able to work on for the project. Karyn explains, “Nicolls Construction donated all the materials and services to enclose the back patio to make it more enjoyable. Then we set up two offices in the back, one for her and one for her brother. We also created this big yarn station for knitting.”

Photo of Yami’s room after he made his dreams:

Karyn ends the conversation enthusiastically: “We loved Yami’s family and story. It’s wonderful to hear how well she’s doing and she’s a very creative little girl. Kelly was a pleasure to work with from start to finish. We felt truly honored to have been asked to be a part of this project.”

Support Yami’s Creations.

Beyond the rooms

Kelly explains that the space a child is in is not limited to their bedroom. “Childhood cancer doesn’t just affect a child physically, the emotional challenges can be just as traumatic as the disease itself. Designing Dreams’ bedroom transformation model is based on research on how the physical space a child is in can combat the social-emotional side effects of cancer.”

It’s a multi-layered process. She says, “We consider several aspects that support emotional well-being, such as taking advantage of natural light in the room, decluttering the space, choosing colors and design elements that evoke positive memories and sensory experiences. Whatever hobbies a child enjoys, we make room for them, like a ballet barre in a bedroom, a hockey rink in a basement, and other elements that encourage children to play.”

“Our bedrooms are there for the child every day as they battle cancer. They serve as a sanctuary for healing and recovery during the difficult days of treatment and provide a place for children to play on the days they feel good. They allow children to be children, even in the most difficult and isolating circumstances.”

What families say

Kelly shares some of the feedback she has received from families who have received help from Designing Dreams.

“We are filled with hope as we imagine our daughter growing up in her new room. You have truly helped us not feel alone in this battle. It restores our faith in humanity that people care enough about our daughter to go to such lengths to make us smile.” – Lia’s Mom

Designing a dream bedroom with a sound sleeping child.Designing a dream bedroom with a sound sleeping child.
Design a dream bedroom.

“This room transformation has literally changed not only Keely’s life, but our entire family’s. I had no idea how much of a difference a space could make in our emotional and physical well-being. What you are doing is so important to the health of children with cancer.” – Keely’s mother

“We have shed so many tears and this helps replace the tears with smiles and joy! Seeing Haylee’s face light up the moment she saw her room and continuing to watch her spend time in it every day makes my heart so full!” – Haylee’s Mom

“Bebo missed a lot of his childhood fighting cancer and it came back. He wants to come home and have a comfortable space while he continues to fight! Our family is so grateful as we are exhausted from all the emotions of the cancer coming back and the 5 years of treatment.” – Bebo’s mother

Meet Kelly and support Designing Dreams

Come meet Kelly and support the design of dreams! Lil’ Piggy’s Bar-B-Que & Designing Dreams will host their 2nd Annual End of Summer BBQ on Thursday, September 19th. 20% of profits from Lil’ Piggy’s and Coronado Coffee Co from 4pm to 8pm will be donated to Designing Dreams.

You can also show your support by attending the Hope for the Holidays Gala on Friday, December 13, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., at Building 177 in Liberty Station. Tickets go on sale October 1 at

Designing Dreams is currently raising funds for Brittany’s bedroom transformation.

If you would like to help in another way, Email Kelly at (protected email).

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