
Wood County Schools, SRO Address Jackson Middle School Incident

Wood County Schools, SRO Address Jackson Middle School Incident

VIENNA, W.Va. (WTAP) — Shortly after 12:00 p.m. on September 5, 2024, at Jackson Middle School, an anonymous threat was sent to the student app “See Send,” which allows officials to be alerted if something goes wrong. Students were locked down for about 30 minutes.

“So I think the information was multifaceted. It came through our central 911 system, it also came through the school system, where the principal was notified and it was relayed to me, the resource officer that’s in the school,” said Sergeant Anthony Harris, school resource officer at Jackson Middle School.

As a security officer, Sergeant Anthony Harris’ first instinct was to ensure the safety of all students and keep them out of harm’s way while authorities gathered as much information as possible. Educating children about the consequences of words in today’s society is essential to reducing the risk of threats.

“I would say that as adults we need to educate our children about what we say. It has consequences, so whether it’s rumors or whether it’s honest talk, we just need to educate our children that the words we say affect other people and our daily lives. It’s all taken seriously now,” said Sgt. Harris.

Students can report things in several ways, but in this case, they used the “See Send” app to inform authorities.

“We have an app called See Send, which allows them to anonymously send information to the Charleston fusion center which then communicates with local law enforcement about a potential threat,” said Eric Murphy, technology integration specialist for Wood County Schools.

For parents, it is important to keep their contact information up to date so that they are informed if the school needs to contact them for school-related matters. You can do this by calling or visiting the school.

“Parents need to make sure their contact information is updated at the school office. We usually do this at the beginning of the school year, but if your contact information is missing, we have no way to get it to you quickly and easily,” Murphy said.

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