
Hubbard announces bridge inauguration plans | News, Sports, Jobs

Hubbard announces bridge inauguration plans | News, Sports, Jobs

HUBBARD — Mayor Ben Kyle announced plans to renovate and dedicate a bridge to World War I and II veterans at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.

Kyle said the bridge, on West Park Avenue next to St. Patrick’s Church, will be dedicated as “World War I and II Veterans Memorial Bridge.” The renovation will be carried out by the city with the help of Trumbull County Engineer Randy Smith, Gary Schafer and Dan Bell.

The bridge inauguration ceremony will take place at 9 a.m. on September 28.

Kyle encouraged veterans and family members of deceased veterans to attend.

In other actions, the council:

• Kyle learned that Trumbull County Commissioners awarded the city $300,000 in American Rescue Plan funds for the wastewater treatment plant generator replacement project. Kyle said he hopes that will spur the city to complete the project on time.

• According to City Council member Jerome Crowe, the street resurfacing program is expected to begin Sept. 16. Crowe said the biggest projects will be Rebecca and Caroline avenues, which will be fully paved. Mock Street, Oakdale Avenue and Glenwood and Gary Drive will be partially paved.

• Councillor Mike Mogg, 3rd Ward, learned that Tom Powell had been appointed as the new chaplain for his district. Mr Mogg explained that Mr Powell had always been on hand and helped with everything, so he was a good candidate.

• Mogg learned that the new ambulances had been delivered, bringing the total number to four. Mogg said they plan to sell one of their 2013 models through a sealed bid, in accordance with state guidelines, and will keep another in reserve for local municipalities.

• Safety Director Shawn Rentz said 386 fire hydrants in the city have been flushed.

• Rentz told me that a mechanic must take classes at the New Castle School of Trades to obtain a Class B driver’s license. It is an 11-day process.

• Kyle learned that he met with a representative from Mercy Health about their plans to host a home health seminar on November 19 at 10 a.m. at the senior center. The seminar will focus on senior health and access to health care, and will answer any questions seniors may have.

• Kyle told me the town candy drive will be from 5pm to 7pm on October 31st.

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