
A Limpia Egg Ritual to Help You Heal After a Breakup

A Limpia Egg Ritual to Help You Heal After a Breakup

Breakups are hard. Whether the relationship is toxic, you’ve grown apart, or someone has decided to leave, it’s a difficult situation to deal with. If you’re struggling to move on, spiritual practices that cleanse the aura and remove negative energy might be just what you need.

An ancient tradition of ancient indigenous spiritual practices is limpia con huevo, egg limpia or egg cleansing. Eggs represent life and vitality and can detoxify the body of unwanted energies like toxicity from a previous relationship and negative juju in the aura that may have lingered after the breakup. No matter how long or short the relationship was—if it left you feeling lethargic, angry, fearful, heartbroken, or even physically ill—an egg limpia can help purify that energy so you can make a fresh start. It is important to understand that more than one limpia may be needed, or that the limpia may indicate the need for additional spiritual work like cutting the umbilical cord or a spiritual bath.

Think of the limpia egg as a post-breakup healing ritual that helps mend spiritual wounds. Signs that you need some spiritual TLC may include nightmares or a lot of negative thoughts floating around in your mind after the breakup. Feelings of anxiety, restlessness, and bad luck can also be signs that your mind is still carrying the energy of the past relationship and your ex. And general feelings of imbalance or disconnection can be a sure sign that your energy body has not yet fully released the connection with the ex.

What is an egg cleanse (la limpia con huevo)?

Limpia con huevo is an indigenous spiritual ritual practiced in Latin America and other parts of the world. The ritual is typically led by a curandera or healer using a raw egg in order to purify a person’s energy or determine what other form of healing the person may need. You can do it yourself, but traditionally it is performed by a trained spiritual practitioner. The egg is considered a powerful conduit of energy that not only clears and holds energy from a person’s aura, but also gives messages about what illness has been cleared or what still needs attention.

How Can an Egg Cleanse Help You Heal After a Breakup?

The egg is said to be powerful in clearing unwanted energy, and there’s no doubt that energy is exchanged during romantic relationships. So after a breakup, no matter how long the relationship lasted, the energetic exchange that took place can leave an imprint on your spirit. You may have felt it as a weight on you as the relationship came to an end. But even after the ex has left your space—and maybe even your life—for good, their energy can still linger. If the breakup wasn’t amicable and left a bad taste in your mouth, an egg limpia could clear it away and leave you feeling light and ready to move on. Clearing stagnant, negative energy can also strengthen you energetically, which is a great way to move on to a new chapter after saying goodbye to your ex.

What Egg Cleansing Ritual Can You Do After a Breakup?

If you intend to do the cleansing yourself, your intention will truly be the power behind the ritual. The egg will carry this powerful intention and use it as direction for what you need.

Using a raw, unbroken, room temperature egg, you will begin to rub the egg over your body from head to toe. You can rub it on your skin or just above it in your auric field. Set your intentions by saying out loud what you need for the cleanse. You can set your intention before you begin and even pray while you do the cleanse. Then, if you intend to read the egg, you can crack it into a clear glass filled with water that you prayed over and let it sit for about 10 minutes, undisturbed and undisturbed. If you are not interested in reading the results and are sure that the cleanse did what you wanted, you can simply crack the egg and flush it down the toilet or throw it outside.

What is an egg purification prayer?

Setting your intention or praying at the beginning of your ritual is a pretty intimate process. It’s your conversation with the universe. No one can really dictate what you say or how you say it, but there’s usually a beginning, middle, and end to prayer. Here’s an example:

“Great Spirit, I invoke the power of the egg to assist me in my energetic cleansing so that I may be free of any stagnant or negative energy that is slowing me down on my path. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So be it.”

What egg purification prayer should you do after a breakup?

“Universe, I have learned a lot from this relationship and connection with this person, but I am ready to move on fully and completely. May this egg clear the unwanted energy I still carry with me from my ex. I pray that my aura is cleansed and pure after this ritual so that I can continue on my path renewed, recharged and healed, with a heart open to love again in the future. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So be it.”

How to Read Your Breakup Detox

If your intention is to read the results of the egg cleanse, signs and symbols will appear around and even on the yolk to indicate various things, such as negative energy or an evil eye. From threads to spikes, these are telltale signs that the egg cleanse has worked and provide more information.

Clouds:After a breakup, you may be feeling a little out of sorts. If you have headaches, brain fog, drifting thoughts, or are daydreaming too much and lacking focus, your head may literally be in the clouds. This will also show up in the reading. A fog and cloudiness may be visible throughout the glass around the yolk. While the egg has likely started to clear the clouds, this is also a sign to seek out a deeper cleanse like a series of baños.

Strings: This is an important element when it comes to an egg cleanse after a breakup. If there are strings hanging from or around the yolk, it is a sign of energetic connections with another. If you are cleansing an ex and strings appear in your reading, your energy may still be fully intact or there may be some residue left behind. Much like cloudiness, the appearance of strings shows that healing and string removal has begun, but adding a string cutting ritual will help remove the connection once and for all.

Spider webs or an eye:If the breakup left you feeling energetically and physically unwell, this may be a sign of evil eyes. So when reading the egg, if you see the shape of an eye on the yolk, take it as confirmation. Rest assured, you can remove the evil eye, but it is highly recommended to seek advice from a qualified healer.

Bubbles:If bubbles fill your glass, take a deep breath, as this is a wonderful indication that the energy you were trying to remove has been removed. You may see a range of sizes in the bubbles, and that’s okay. If your ex had a lot to say about you and the relationship after the breakup, that energy would usually be represented by larger bubbles. If you see these in the glass, you should start to feel energetically lighter shortly after.

Cages:Feeling trapped or stuck in the relationship can show up as cages in an egg limpia reading. It is also an indicator that someone or something is trying to keep you down. A limpia could certainly do the trick, but consider doing one more just to make sure you are free and clear of any disgusting energy that is making you feel trapped.

What Does It Mean If Your Ex Comes Back After An Egg Cleanse?

A common belief is that if your ex comes back after an egg wash or some other spiritual ritual designed to remove their energy from you, it could be a test to see how far you’ve come in your healing journey. If they reach out and simply need someone to talk to, you can give them the space they need if you feel called to do so, but it’s recommended that you then detach and continue on your journey. The ex’s energy is no longer in your world. You can send them love, wish them well, and even pray that they learn the lessons they need from the relationship, which may be completely different than yours. The positive energy you lovingly transmit to your ex helps you set healthy boundaries to protect your own heart.

Zayda Rivera is a PS Contributor. She has been a professional writer for over 20 years. Z is a certified Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga and Zumba Instructor, Mindfulness and Meditation Guide, Tarot Reader, and Spiritual Mentor