
Delivery driver caught on camera throwing away packages

Delivery driver caught on camera throwing away packages

This lady must be in a hurry, but this is still no way to deliver a package.

A driver under contract with OnTrac was caught on camera throwing packages away twice.

The first time the driver was caught on camera was when she was delivering a package to a home in the Shields and Fowler neighborhood of Fresno.

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Ricardo Loeza, who photographed the woman in the first clip, said the following.

One thing I don’t like is when people have that type of work ethic.

About a week before Loeza filmed the woman, another delivery man who appears to be the same person was caught doing the same thing.

This time, it was recorded by the camera at Liz Bribiesca’s house in the Armstrong and Clinton neighborhood of Fresno.

Bribiesca said he filmed the woman twice throwing away her packages.