
Author Announces Release of Complete Guide to Help Young Adults Thrive in All Aspects of Their Lives

Author Announces Release of Complete Guide to Help Young Adults Thrive in All Aspects of Their Lives

Charleston, South Carolina, Sept. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A recent survey of 13,000 Americans in their twenties found that only 24% of respondents say “your twenties are the best years of your life.” Why is that number so low for an adage that everyone seems to be repeating?

Natar Kanan may not have the answer to this question, but she offers a solution that can ease the pains of early adulthood: 7 Essential Life Skills to Unlock Your Full Potential: A Blueprint for Young Adults on Healthy Eating, Money Management, Self-Care, and Overcoming Procrastination and the Stigma of Failure.

Young adults can struggle with the weight of responsibilities, mental health, relationships, self-care, and hobbies, to name a few. Kanan’s new book aims to provide several practical and interpersonal skills to help individuals in their personal and professional development.

“I believe this book has a unique approach that combines a variety of hard and soft skills to address all the stresses and challenges young adults face today,” Kanan said.

The book covers many topics including proper health management, how to deal with failure, strategies for overcoming laziness, and much more. For everything your parents, teachers, and friends didn’t teach you about growing up, 7 Must-Have Life Skills seeks to fill this gap.

“I hope that with this book we can bring some light and education to topics that are rarely discussed,” Kanan concluded.

For more information about the release, helpful resources, and more information about the author, visit

7 Essential Life Skills to Unlock Your Full Potential: A Blueprint for Young Adults on Healthy Eating, Money Management, Self-Care, and Overcoming Procrastination and the Stigma of Failure is available for purchase online at and Barnes and

About the author:

Natar Kanan came to the United States at the age of 9. Raised by a fierce single mother, Natar faced adversity early in life. In her first job, she struggled with feelings of inadequacy and failure. As an immigrant, Natar struggled with low self-esteem and assertive communication. Natar saw these challenges as stepping stones to personal growth and has now discovered the life skills essential to well-being in all aspects of life. Now thriving, Natar’s passion and calling is to help others overcome similar challenges.

Media Contact: Natar Kanan and [email protected]

Available for interviews: the author, Natar Kanan

  • 7 Must-Have Life Skills to Unlock Your Full Potential: A blueprint for young adults on healthy eating, money management, self-care, and overcoming procrastination and the stigma of failure.

Author Announces Release of Complete Guide to Help Young Adults Thrive in All Aspects of Their Lives