
County workers protest changes to employment conditions as part of ‘rationalisation’ exercise

County workers protest changes to employment conditions as part of ‘rationalisation’ exercise

County workers protest changes to employment conditions as part of ‘rationalisation’ exercise

Migori County workers protest suspension of contracts. /HILLARY OKEYO

Some county workers took to the streets Tuesday to protest what they described as unfair labor practices. Migori Countywith claims that some employees‘ contracts had been suspended without explanation.

LWritten by the president of the workers’ group, David Ogweno, the workers stated that the The county government has suspended more than 40 employees, including 12 directors, 20 district administrators and 8 deputy directors.county administrators.

“There is no legal explanation for these changes. This is a political issue and we will not allow genuine workers to be replaced by accomplices. Workers are permanent and have the right to a pension,” he said.

However, the countySecretary Oscar Olima denied the allegations, saying that no employee hasd been fired but instead the county transferred a few employees as part of efforts to streamline service delivery.

“We took into account labor laws in the transfer of workers” he said.

However, Mark Ouma, the vice-president of the county workers’ group, insisted there was no basis for the changes.

“This is impunity and we will not allow it to happen,” he said.