
Democrats Fail to Cancel Milo’s ‘Roast’ of Kamala Harris at Public University

Democrats Fail to Cancel Milo’s ‘Roast’ of Kamala Harris at Public University

Organizers say opponents should come to the event: ‘We don’t bite’

A “roast” of Vice President Kamala Harris by a free speech group and two conservative commentators will go ahead this Wednesday despite attempts to cancel it.

The NAACP and Democratic politicians, along with dozens of student groups, want the University of South Carolina to cancel the event that mocks Harris. The event’s promotion uses a sexualized version of her name and photo.

The event is organized by Uncensored America, in collaboration with conservative commentators Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes. Left-wing activists have committed violence and disruption to Yiannopoulos (in the photo) events, such as The solution has already been reported.

Some of McInnes’ events have met the same fate. He founded the Proud Boys.

The NAACP, along with South Carolina State Senator Tameika Devine and State Representative Leon Howard, called on the university president to cancel the event.

“As a state senator, I am adamantly opposed to our publicly funded institution providing a platform to individuals or groups that promote hatred, division, and violence, and I strongly urge the university to reconsider hosting such a harmful event,” Devine wrote in her letter.

His office did not respond to an email and voicemail left last week. Howard’s office did not respond to requests for comment, including a request sent to a specific email address provided by his office to The solution.

The solution She was asked if she would consider withdrawing funding from the university if it did not listen to his demands. The solution She was also asked if she was concerned that conservative politicians might use potential threats of violence against other speakers in the future.

The NAACP did not respond to similar emailed requests for comment last week. A representative acknowledged the media request and redirected The solution to a communication email. The black activist group wants a “cancellation of the event.”

Event could ‘incite’ violence against female minorities, student says

Student activist Courtney McClain said The solution She explained via email why she wants the school to move or cancel the event. She organized a petition on that has garnered more than 25,000 signatures as of September 13.

“Given that this issue has gained national attention, there is a risk of unpredictable actions by members of the public attending the event because there is no baseline information or screening process in place for them once they arrive on campus,” McClain said.

“Therefore, the pressure to cancel the event is not to stifle free speech, but to prioritize the safety of students on campus who have legitimate concerns about being exposed to an environment that could incite degradation or violence toward their communities,” she wrote.

McClain said the petition was “not just about” Harris, “but also about the vulgar promotion of the event.”

She said the promotion “may incite sexual and racial violence against Black and Asian students.” She also criticized “the controversial history of the speakers and the environment this event will create on campus for marginalized students moving forward.”

“Many minority students find that their identity is reflected in Vice President Kamala Harris, so an attack on her is seen as an attack on them as well,” McClain said.

The public university said The solution She will protect the safety of all participants. She has already announced that she supports students’ freedom of expression.

“As with any event on campus, USC works with its police department and other campus partners to develop a comprehensive security plan,” spokesperson Collyn Taylor said. The solution via email. “The safety of our students, faculty and staff is one of USC’s top priorities and the security plan will reflect that.”

An alternative event is said to be in preparation, according to the Journalist and reporter from Caroline. The solution I was unable to find information about the event on the Instagram pages of campus groups opposed to the Harris event.

The student senate rejected a request for funding for the event, despite warnings that it would violate the school’s policy of making decisions on a “publicly neutral” basis, according to the campus newspaper.

One student, Mia LaPinta, suggested that funding the event would mean the Senate was taking a “political stand,” citing the 2010 report. Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision.

Universities should protect ‘expression rights’, group says

A lawyer for the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression warned against letting universities cancel events because of threats of violence.

“Public universities, like USC, cannot use the threat of violence or disruption in response to controversial speakers as a pretext to silence those speakers,” Jessie Appleby said in an email to The solution“This is called a heckler’s veto and it violates a public university’s constitutional obligation to protect the speech rights of faculty and students.”

“When an event is the target of violence or disruption by people who object to the speakers’ message, federal courts have made clear that the university must respond with a sincere effort to protect speech rights through less restrictive means than cancellation,” Appleby said. The solution.

“Otherwise, universities would have the authority to limit any form of expression on dubious security grounds,” she said. Indeed, “any such measure to limit free speech can almost always be presented as an attempt to protect the audience or the speaker.”

If universities are to “respond to credible threats of violence,” they must do so to protect “expression rights.”

Rather than canceling an event, universities should “expel or arrest those who actually engage in violence or prolonged disruption.”

The founder of Uncensored America said the group wants to “bring back free speech to America, including fighting censorship and cancel culture.”

“The only way to do this is to host censored and canceled speakers,” Sean Semanko said via email.

When asked what people should do if they disagree, Semanko replied, “come to the event.”

“Ask a question during the Q&A session. We don’t bite.”

MORE: Check out the Campus Cancel Culture Database

IMAGE: Rubin Report/YouTube

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