
Japanese man makes 100 silent calls per day to his wife arrested | Panorama

Japanese man makes 100 silent calls per day to his wife arrested | Panorama

Ammon News – A Japanese man was arrested for making over 100 silent phone calls daily to his wife using a hidden number feature, claiming it was done “out of love.”

The 38-year-old man from Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, was apprehended last week on charges of “stalking,” a crime in Japan that can result in imprisonment and fines. He repeatedly called his wife, who lives with him, from July 10 to August 4.

The suspect made about 100 calls a day from an anonymous number, which only occurred when he was not in bed or when his wife was not using his phone to play games. This behavior led her to grow suspicious, and she reported the issue to the police on July 24.

The 31-year-old woman explained that each call was silent until she ended it, and since the calls came from a number that could not be displayed on her phone, she was unable to block them.

Investigations revealed that the husband was behind these anonymous calls. There were no known issues between the couple prior to this incident, according to Japan Today.

When questioned, the man stated, “I love my wife and made silent calls to her.”