
Don’t mount your TV above your fireplace, seriously

Don’t mount your TV above your fireplace, seriously

The worst place to mount your new tv is above your fireplace. I totally understand that this may seem like a logical location, and in many rooms, it’s the easiest option. Many interior designers even say that this is the best location because TVs and fireplaces are often the focal points of a room. Despite all of this, it’s a bad idea.

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Placing your TV this high and above a heat source can not only seriously diminish the picture quality, but also shorten its lifespan and lead to possible physical pain. Even if you don’t use your fireplace, this location is about as bad as it gets, as it is often WAY too high to be comfortable to watch.

If you are always considering this after this preamble, do you know how you will get the power and signal (HDMI or wireless) to the TV? How do you mount it to brick or stone? These are also problems, but easier to solve. However, you should really avoid these potential problems and not mount the TV above the fireplace. Here’s why.

Learn more: Installing a TV on your terrace? Not so fast

1. Viewing angle: A TV above a fireplace is too high

Have you ever sat in the front row of a movie theater? Some people like it, some don’t. That neck ache you get from staring at the screen? Imagine it every time you watch TV. Most people find it uncomfortable to stare at something for long periods of time. Worse yet, it can lead to neck problems later on.

Unsurprisingly, one of the first Google autocomplete results after “TV above fireplace…” is “too high.” This is not an uncommon problem.

A small living room with a large television mounted above a fireplace. A small living room with a large television mounted above a fireplace.

Imagine how far your head would have to be tilted back to watch TV from these seats.

Mint Images/Getty Images

Of course, this will not be a problem in some rooms. The fireplace may be low, you may lie down to watch TV, you may be far enough away to barely look at it “up”. But if you have had back or neck problems in the past, for example related to a work-related problem, you should reconsider your decision, because it could aggravate such an injury.

Most of us would much rather look slightly down in front of a TV. This is a much more natural position (similar to the one recommended by OSHA for monitors). Ideally, you should be able to maintain a neutral/relaxed neck position while watching your TV, which will vary depending on your position on the couch/seat, etc.

2. Your TV will be off-axis

A well-used brick fireplace with a television mounted above. A well-used brick fireplace with a television mounted above.

Mounting a TV above a fireplace is almost always a bad idea.

Chris Heinonen and Geoff Morrison

Most TVs on the market today are LCD screens. There are high-end models from LG, Sony and Samsung that are OLEDbut otherwise, whatever the marketing name, it’s an LCD screen.

Most LCD screens have significantly lower quality if you’re not looking at them straight on. Even a few degrees below their centerline, like if you were sitting on a couch watching TV, can make the picture look profoundly different than it does directly on axis.

This is fairly simple to fix, but you will need some special equipment. Some wall mounts allow you to swivel the TV down so that it faces directly into the seating area. If you insist on mounting your TV high on the wall, look for mounts that at least swivel the screen. Mounting the TV flat on the wall (the cheapest solution) will make your TV look much worse than if you were not viewing it at an angle.

An OLED TV like the LG C2 Tech looks much better from an off-angle than standard LCD TVs. Sure, an OLED TV is expensive, but if your room requires off-angle seating and you want the best picture quality, it may be worth the investment.

Read our review of the LG OLED C2 2022 series.


3. Heat and soot damage your TV

There’s nothing worse for an electronic product than heat. (OK, maybe water or being kicked could be worse, but you get the point.) Raising the operating temperature of your TV can shorten what should be a long, reliable lifespan.

Worse yet, soot from the fire can seep into the guts of the TV, with no positive effect. Worse yet, the damage will accumulate slowly over time, not immediately, so the TV will likely fail sooner than it otherwise would have, and beyond the life of your warranty.

An elegant, well-lit living room with plenty of windows and a television mounted above a fireplace. An elegant, well-lit living room with plenty of windows and a television mounted above a fireplace.

There is no better place in this house, at least for watching television.

Cavan Images/Getty Images

This won’t be a problem for everyone. If you don’t or can’t use your fireplace, it won’t be a problem. A gas fireplace may not have soot, but if the wall above it is warm to the touch, that heat will also warm your TV. Many people claim to have installed their TV above a working fireplace and “had no problems.” But the correct addition to that statement is “not yet.”

4. Where should you mount it?

Many rooms are designed so that the fireplace is the focal point, and combating this inherent arrangement is a challenge. It’s worth it. At the very least, purchase a TV mount that allows you to adjust the tilt and position of a TV. This allows you to tilt it down toward your seating area, and ideally, reduce its overall height so that you don’t have to look up at it. These certainly add to the cost, but are the bare minimum if you don’t want to rearrange your room.

We have more guidelines on where (and where not) to mount your TV. Check out Don’t Put Your TV Here: Tips for Placing a Big Screen.

In conclusion

While it’s a stylish and popular choice, mounting a TV above a fireplace isn’t the best option for you or your TV. Placement is an important issue, and the location and height of the TV can be important factors when it comes to picture quality.

If you think we’re in the minority in our concerns about poor TV placement, there’s an entire subreddit with over 200,000 subscribers dedicated to poor TV placement called r/TVTooHigh. If you don’t want to take our word for it, scroll down and see what people think.

For more TV tips and tricks, check out our recommendations for TV picture settings to changewhy this is usually the case It is not a good idea to increase the sharpness control on your TV and the best time to buy a tv. Moreover, a solution for muffled dialogues on television And 7 Solutions to Hide Unsightly TV Wires.

Note:This article was first published in 2012 but is regularly updated with new links and additional information.

In addition to covering audio and display technology, Geoff offers photo tours of museums and interesting locations around the world, including nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, medieval castles, epic 10,000 mile road trips and much more.

Also see Budget Travel for Dummieshis travel diary and his best-selling science fiction novel about city-sized submarines. You can follow him on Instagram and YouTube.