
Meet the Jeopardy! Contestant Fans Call “Hot Priest”

Meet the Jeopardy! Contestant Fans Call “Hot Priest”

Steve Jakubowski, Jeopardy's Sexy Priest

Catholic priest father Steve Jakubowski won on the internet after competing on Danger!

On the Thursday, September 19 episode of America’s favorite game show, viewers began calling the contestant “sexy priest,” a title originally given to the actor Andrew Scott in the hit show Flea bag.

“For those of you paying attention, there is a sexy priest on Danger “Tonight,” one viewer wrote via X. Another fan added: “Whoever you are Father Steve you are way too hot to have joined the priesthood!!!! Hot girl downstairs.”

Another said: “I’m an atheist, but I would definitely consider becoming a Catholic for Father Steve… #jeopardy.”

Oops! 'Jeopardy' Shows Final Scores During Episode Intro

Related: Oops! ‘Jeopardy’ Shows Final Scores During Episode Intro

Make this game a daily disaster, Alex. Jeopardy! contestants often practice for years before going on the game show, but sometimes they find themselves in the middle of a moment of madness. Even Ken Jennings, who holds the longest winning streak of all time on Jeopardy!, has messed up an answer or two. On his first appearance (…)

During the episode, the host Ken Jennings asked Father Steve if the competition on Danger! or being a Catholic priest was more stressful.

“Catholic priest,” Father Steve replied quickly, laughing.

In the final Jeopardy, the Notre Dame graduate placed third with $5,400. After betting most of his winnings, he ended up with $99 and a joke from Jennings.

“As you know, the last shall be first,” the show’s host said, referring to a Bible verse.

According to MLive, Father Steve entered seminary to become a priest after graduating from college. He now works for a parish called St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church in Austin, Texas.

When the episode aired, the church expressed its support for its priest via Instagram, writing: “Thank you for watching and supporting Father Steve’s journey on Danger! I hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we did!

Although father Steve acknowledged he didn’t win any major awards, he said, “It was cool. It was a lot of fun.”

As if earning the nickname “sexy priest” wasn’t enough, Father Steve was also compared to another famous actor during his brief appearance.

Steve Jakubowski, Jeopardy's Sexy Priest

Andrew Scott as the priest in “Fleabag” Prime Video

“@Jeopardy The role of Father Steve will be played by Paul Rudd tonight… #Jeopardy,” one viewer wrote via X.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. After losing to Brooklyn teacher Jen Feldman as well as defending champion Chris Lindsay, Father Steve was sent back to church.

“Damn, the handsome priest lost!!,” wrote one user via X. “Oops! LOL #jeopardy.”

Another fan, however, is optimistic that this won’t be the last time viewers see “Hot Priest.”

As one viewer asked: “@Jeopardy please bring back Father Steve for ‘Second Chance’ immediately #jeopardy @KenJennings.”