
Hospice of Santa Barbara Honors Past Hospice Heroes at Legacy of Compassion Luncheon – edhat

Hospice of Santa Barbara Honors Past Hospice Heroes at Legacy of Compassion Luncheon – edhat

The 50th Anniversary Event at Rosewood Miramar Resort Garden Featured an Exciting Silent Auction, Flamenco Music and Mimosas

Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB), a volunteer hospice organization, celebrated 50 years of compassionate care and honored all Hospice Heroes alumni from 2013 to 2023 at the 12th Annual Hospice Heroes (HOH) Luncheon, held at the Rosewood Miramar Beachfront Resort on Sunday, September 15 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The Rosewood Miramar was abuzz as guests perused the silent auction tables lining the outdoor garden patio during the reception, where all enjoyed bidding on beautiful artwork, gourmet items and wine while sipping mimosas. The elegant dining room was filled with guests celebrating the 50th anniversary of Hospice of Santa Barbara, as Master of Ceremonies Jesse Brisendine introduced the video and speaker presentations sharing the special work done by this beloved community organization, which were well done and very touching.

The Heroes of Hospice Luncheon has traditionally honored individuals and organizations that provide compassion and care, at all levels, to those in need in and around the Santa Barbara community. David Selberg, CEO (HSB), said, “Hospice of Santa Barbara is deeply grateful for the community’s support over the past 50 years and how that support continues to shine a light in the darkness for so many families.” “Heroes of Hospice has once again focused on celebrating those we love and commemorating the legacy of loved ones who have passed, as well as their ongoing impact on our lives,” Selberg said.

Luncheon guests enjoy David Selberg’s HSB video. (Photo by Bonnie Carroll)

Not only were guests invited to raise their paddles for various levels of support, but they also had the opportunity to donate and support the wonderful work of HSB on behalf of their loved ones, helping to provide programs and services, completely free of charge, to adults, children and seniors dealing with grief or life-threatening illness. Each donation form on the luncheon tables included a space to write the names of your loved ones or dear friends you wished to honor with a commitment.

The luncheon was part of HSB’s Legacy of Compassion campaign, which aimed to raise $1,000,000 to meet current demand for services and build a stronger foundation to meet future needs. Funds raised through the Legacy of Compassion campaign will support core programs as well as new and emerging initiatives such as its Advance Care Planning initiative, bereavement services for youth in the juvenile justice system, a relaunched NODA (No One Dies Alone) program that provides a compassionate presence at the bedside for those dying without family or friends, and expanded grief support for our local firefighters.

HSB is seeing an extraordinary increase in demand for its services, particularly as the average age of Santa Barbara’s community members increases. According to the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments, the number of people aged 65 and older in southern Santa Barbara County will more than double by 2040, representing an additional 40,000 seniors. This will have a critical impact on HSB’s work, because as people age, they often face significant losses and serious illnesses.

Silent auction, Mimosas and flamenco guitarist Tony Ybarra (Photo by Bonnie Carroll)

While much emphasis is often placed on older adults, it is important to recognize that children are also deeply affected by grief and loss, with approximately 80% of children experiencing the loss of at least one close relative or friend (2023 Child Grief Estimation Model) during their childhood. Each year, HSB also provides grief counseling services to dozens of students on local school campuses, and the need for this service continues to grow. The goal of the Legacy of Compassion campaign is to raise enough funds to meet the demand and provide critical support to families going through difficult times.

It was so nice to see this incredible series of Heroes of Hospice recipients take a group photo, and it’s meaningful to know that their special efforts are recognized and greatly appreciated by HSB and so many in the community. A big thank you to the generous event sponsors for the 2024 HSB Heroes Luncheon, it was truly delicious!

Doedy and Don Galloway celebrate with HSB. (Photo by Bonnie Carroll)

My family, like nearly every family in our community, has been touched and helped at one time or another by the dedicated professionals and volunteers at Hospice of Santa Barbara, and we are all thrilled to have the opportunity to give back. “It is a remarkable privilege to see the difference HSB makes for those we serve every day,” said David Selberg, HSB CEO. “It is only because of your support and generosity that we accomplish all that we do and will accomplish in the future.”

I would like to acknowledge the smooth running of this afternoon, the delicious lunch, the kindness of the participants and volunteers and the memorable experience we had on the occasion of our 50th anniversary. I sincerely hope that they achieved their goal and I look forward to participating in their future annual events to support the good work they do for our community members in need.

Santa Barbara Hospice

Hospice of Santa Barbara offers professional counseling, support groups and free patient care services to individuals and families who are grieving the death of a loved one or dealing with the consequences of a life-threatening illness. Hospice of Santa Barbara also offers counseling services in our offices and on seventeen local elementary, middle and high school campuses to children and adolescents who are grieving the loss of a loved one. For more information about Hospice of Santa Barbara, including volunteer opportunities, call (805) 563-8820 or visit