
Ines de Ramon urges her friends to keep quiet about their relationship with Brad Pitt

Ines de Ramon urges her friends to keep quiet about their relationship with Brad Pitt

Ines de Ramon, who is reportedly in a serious relationship with Brad Pitt, has asked her friends and family to refrain from discussing her relationship with the actor. In an effort to build trust with Brad Pitt, she has made it clear that no one in her circle should divulge details about their relationship.

According to a source speaking to“Ines has asked her friends to never share any information about her or Brad.” The source explained that Ines is being extremely cautious because she cares deeply for Pitt and wants to earn his trust. “She hopes to marry him one day and doesn’t want to jeopardize their relationship,” the source added.

Pitt, who has been wary of women exploiting his fame in the past, reportedly feels comfortable with Ines. “He’s always been afraid of being used for his fame, but with Ines, it’s different. She really cares about him,” the source said.

Ines would go out of her way to preserve her privacy and her husband’s trust, avoiding any mention of Pitt in conversations. “She’s very careful not to say a word about him because she wants to prove that she’s trustworthy and that he can count on her,” the source said, noting that Ines hopes Pitt will consider her as a “potential wife.”

Additionally, the source revealed that Ines has taken extra steps to protect their privacy by having her professional contacts sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to prevent any leaks about their relationship. “Ines understands that Brad despises women who kiss and tell. He finds it childish and disrespectful,” the source noted, emphasizing how important privacy is to both of them.

Ines is said to be committed to the relationship for the long term and is determined not to do anything that might hurt her chances with Pitt.