
Celtic know who their potential semi-final opponents will be. And there is one I would rather avoid.

Celtic know who their potential semi-final opponents will be. And there is one I would rather avoid.

Tonight the picture is clearer and we know how the League Cup semi-final is starting to take shape. It will be Aberdeen, Motherwell and the Ibrox club who will contest the last four. If we eliminate Falkirk tomorrow (which we should), we will face one of these teams in the semi-final.

Hampden is our away stadium and under Rodgers we have never lost there. We are by far the best team in Scotland at the moment so we have nothing to worry about if we draw. But for fun, playing Motherwell or the Ibrox club would be satisfying.

Aberdeen, however, are the toughest of the three. They are unpredictable at the moment. Save them for the final day of the Cup, that’s when we’ll have our chance to put them in their place.

The commentary for today’s match at Ibrox was dismal.

The crowd, described as “healthy”, was praised, despite the many empty seats visible everywhere. So much for the big homecoming that was supposed to be a sold-out crowd. The fans are not fooled by a few victories, even if some in the media seem to be.

Sometimes a scoreline can overstate the course of a game, and for much of today’s game Dundee actually played quite well.

Their manager pushed them to play on the front foot, to take their chances, and they missed some good chances. He will curse the player who conceded an unnecessary penalty after committing a similar incident in the first half. There is no excuse for that.

Some will be fooled into thinking that the Ibrox club put in a brilliant performance, but that was not the case. They were unremarkable and some players looked utterly ordinary – Cerny was absolutely dreadful. This is a guy who still remembers a goal he scored against Celtic a long time ago, and he can’t continue to rest on his laurels forever. He was so easily manhandled by the Dundee players that it’s a wonder we’ll ever see him again. But with the depth of their squad, they can’t afford to leave anyone out for any length of time.

The praise for Dessers was particularly amusing.

He’s a penalty box player and as long as he’s at this club he’ll get chances and score goals. But you don’t have to be brilliant to score in the SPFL. The media’s contempt for their audience is summed up in the way they shower praise on a player they’ve spent months denigrating. The pat on the back from the manager when Dessers went off was also amusing, as was the commentary team trying to pretend all was harmony and happiness there. We all know they spent the summer trying to get him off the wage bill.

If I had to guess what the manager said to Dessers upon his exit, it would probably be something like, “Thank God no one wanted to buy you a few months ago.”

The score may have been convincing, but the performance was not.

On another day, if Dundee had seized their chance, the result could have been very different. The penalty calmed the nerves and gave them an advantage, but there was nothing about this game that gave us nightmares. There is no sign of a renaissance at Ibrox.

Every game they play could be the one that completely sinks them. But with the league’s second-highest payroll, most of the time it won’t be a disaster — at least not yet. Disaster is coming, though, and it won’t necessarily come against us, even though we’re certainly the team they want to avoid in the draft lottery.

As the saying goes, you can run but you can’t hide. Sooner or later, the Ibrox club will have to face its Waterloo. As long as we keep winning, no media narrative, no selfish posturing and certainly no false confidence from Ibrox will make any difference. We are still the team everyone must beat if they want to win a trophy.

The draw is now complete. All we have to do is do our homework tomorrow and wait and see what the draw brings. I would be happy to play any team that is still in the running, but I know who I would rather play. Between Motherwell and the Ibrox club, it is difficult to say which I prefer, but I am confident that we will beat one or the other.

The wild card, of course, is Aberdeen.

Watching them take on the Ibrox club will be fascinating. They have a 100% record under their new manager, although that run will come to an end at some point. Their fans enjoy the spectacle, and so should we. It is high time there was a serious challenge from outside Glasgow, and Aberdeen have always seemed the club to take it on.

Time will tell. For now, I am simply looking forward to tomorrow’s game and the confirmation of our place in the last four. The draw and what happens next will follow on their own.

Whoever we face, we know what we have to do, and we’ll do it on a pitch where Rodgers’ record is second to none.