
“An unfair vote” as the latest CE rigging by Jean Mensa

“An unfair vote” as the latest CE rigging by Jean Mensa

Fellow Ghanaians, you have to be crazy to be happy because your dog is chasing an elephant and trying to chase it away. I guess we won’t be crazy like that!
Please forgive my French and my profanity as I unfold today’s epistle with what many may consider unabashed vulgarity!

It was our ancient compatriots who said that “if the truth is in your mother’s private part and you access it with your own private part as her son, you are not a “son of a whore” but a seeker of truth.”

Make no mistake, a hen pecking a toddler’s clitoris has no right to be upset if the toddler has not complained despite the sensation of the tingling.

Ghanaians cannot afford to give the green light again to the New Patriotic Party and Dr Bawumia to impose another tomorrow on us with enticing promises, with disastrous and ruthless economic consequences at the end, as we have just witnessed.

Say what you think is right, it is often out of pity, fairness and justice that war or vandalism or even terrorism are resorted to. Fellow Ghanaians, we simply cannot consider ourselves as mere citizens of “too many chiefs and not enough Indians” and allow the current “ghetto boys and girls” of the misguided NPP, who have infiltrated our state institutions, to reduce Ghana to a mere caricature and a banana republic because of the greedy greed of one man!

As former First Lady Michelle Obama recently said at this year’s DNC, “Try to do something!” It is high time we did something and resisted the temptation to band together in the name of “I have nothing to do with politics.”

You may have nothing to do with politics, but politics has everything to do with you. If you compare the price of a bag of rice and a gallon of cooking oil today to what it was in 2016, you will understand how politics has everything to do with you.

Meanwhile, the architects and engineers of the current economic disaster want to make the innocent the scapegoats for their colossal failure. They cry more than the rest of us, even though they are the direct beneficiaries of our current situation.
DATA Bank is probably still profiting and feeding off the misery and hard work of Ghanaians due to the government’s reckless borrowing!

Nevertheless, my fellow hungry and grieving Ghanaians, the outcome of the recent quasi-election of presidential candidates has given many citizens with political foresight a big sigh of relief! There is certainly a light at the end of the tunnel that we are rapidly approaching if we are not there already.

The number 8 chosen by former President Mahama has an astrological destiny number almost equal to his own astrological destiny number. Of course, this may not matter because what God has ordained, no man can destroy!

Although the EC in all likelihood rigged the poll in favour of the NPP, the “number one” position given to Bawumia was as tragic as the rigging of the 2020 elections for Akufo Addo, which turned out to be a colossal shame when the economy spiralled out of control!

Certainly, had Akufo Addo not tampered with the 2020 elections, this economic nightmare would probably have happened under Mahama, and Akufo Addo would have been immortalized in Ghanaian political history along with Mandela and Nkrumah. But greed and bitterness earned him that distinction.

The story of the dreams of Yusuf (Joseph) and his two co-prisoners, which they later claimed was a costly joke meant to test Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams from the Holy Quran, is a point of reflection and attitude rehabilitation in all this brouhaha of electoral fraud.

Joseph had been given the gift of dream interpretation, which allowed him to know the meaning of each dream before his prophecy. While serving an unjustified prison sentence, he shared his sleeping space with two other prisoners who had noticed his unusual abilities. Joseph could predict what kind of food they would be given, who would bring it, and whether or not it would taste delicious.

One day his fellow prisoners told him the dreams they had had the previous night and asked for an interpretation. One told him that he had seen in a dream that he was serving alcohol to the king; and the other told him that he had seen birds eating food from the head he was carrying.

Joseph then answered them with their interpretations, saying: “As for anyone who would see himself serving alcohol to a king, he would soon be removed and sent to the king to serve drinks.

But as for the one who saw the birds eating from his head carrying food, he will soon be crucified and the birds will eat the contents of his skull as a carcass.

Immediately, the second friend retorted that he had never seen such a dream but only wanted to test Joseph’s prowess in dream interpretation. Joseph then replied, “The interpretation I gave you has been stamped, sealed, and documented!” It will happen!

Apparently, the polling for presidential candidate positions conducted by the EC did not reflect honesty, fairness and justice. In the last election in 2020, the New Patriotic Party and the incumbent surprisingly chose the number one (#1) position amidst alarm signals of injustice and complete electoral redistricting. And again, this year 2024, the NPP has managed to secure another “number one” position. What an incredible coincidence if that is the case.

Whether this result was manipulated or not, whether it reflects fairness and truth or not, choosing the “number one” position this time is like the dream of Joseph’s second dreamer friend in prison! Whether it is to test his dream interpretation ability or not, the result will be disastrous!

Recall that after the NPP flag bearers were vetted, I challenged the results obtained by Dr Bawumia and insisted that they were fabricated by the vetting committee. Find the article in question below:

My thesis was simply that, with the comatose state of the economy designed by the same man as the chairman of the Economic Management Team (EMT), it was impossible for him to do better in an audit that looked at the same economy that he failed.

As a result of this cheating, Dr Bawumia was placed last, at the “number ten” (#10) position. A classic case of first becoming last, and last becoming first. Kennedy Agyapong, who scored 61.3 and placed at the bottom of the list, got the “number one” (#1) position on the ballot paper.

I then predicted that the contest was not between Alan and Bawumia, but between Kennedy Agyapong and Bawumia, largely because of their circumstances of birth that gave them that destiny. However, I also indicated that, if Kennedy had come out on top before the real contest by winning the poll, Dr Bawumia could win the contest for the flag bearer position, which would spell the end of the NPP in the 2024 presidential election.

I mentioned that only Kennedy Agyapong could help the NPP break the eight. Because Dr Bawumia was bothered by Akufo Addo and the evil malams of the NPP, and also for “hiding” his birth identity which Kennedy never hesitated to reveal: an identity that gave the duo an edge over the rest of the flag-bearing candidates.

In this election, the EC could however play the role of electoral gooseberry as a well-known partner of the ruling party and Akufo Addo in particular. However, the battle is between Mahama and Bawumia, and the latter has already taken the position of “number one”, as did Kennedy Agyapong, which constituted his premature victory and paved the way for Bawumia’s victory in the current contest. Bawumia also won his premature victory by coming out on top in the poll. In Sha Allah. And the current contest will be won by John Dramani Mahama.

What is most interesting is the “number eight” (#8) that President Mahama and the NDC have chosen. As we have pointed out above, this is an obvious gift from Allah, considering that the battle was over “number eight”.

That is, can the NPP “break the 8” or will the NDC protect the 8 from breaking? And God has chosen to entrust the 8 to the care and protection of the NDC so that it can decide whether the NPP should break it or not?

The reality is that unless the NDC decides to allow the NPP to “break the 8”, the NPP cannot and will never be able to do so. But the NDC can willingly, in its collective stupidity, break the 8 for the NDC to destroy.

Symbolically, by being chosen as candidate “number eight”, the destiny not only of the NDC was given to John Dramani Mahama by God, but also the destiny of the country, to be jealously guarded and protected.

Apart from the fact that Dr Bawumia rigging or winning the “number one” position shows that his victory in the presidential election is already prematurely secured before the polls, this position, first or sole on the ballot paper, also exposes him as the economic devil and pothole that Ghanaians must see clearly and avoid on election day.

It is by the mercy of God that we bring to our attention what could harm us in broad daylight. It is also by the compassion of God that we make man struggle a little to find what is good. Consequently, one must dig to find gold, but one places cow dung where one can see it clearly in order to avoid it. Hence the 8th position for Mahama, and the first position for Bawumia!

Personally, I must confess that the outcome of the poll has come as a relief to me and every visionary Ghanaian should rejoice. It means that the silent tears of the masses have not been shed in vain.

And Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, has not abandoned the Ghanaians. This means that all the supplications of the supplicants to deliver Ghana from the terrible economic slump, have not gone unanswered by God.
There is HOPE!