
The Foundation of the Superior School of Ballet of Quebec Awards Nominative Scholarships and Supports Student Training

The Foundation of the Superior School of Ballet of Quebec Awards Nominative Scholarships and Supports Student Training

On Friday, September 20, the École supérieure de ballet du Québec and its Foundation brought together donors, students and families for a ceremony dedicated to solidarity for dance. Named scholarships were awarded to students for the first time, marking an important milestone in the Foundation’s support. A cheque for $225,000, symbolizing the donations accumulated for the 2023-2024 school year, was presented to the École supérieure to fund all student scholarships, as well as a range of physical and psychological health services, and part of the services offered by the Vincent-Warren Dance Library.

Hosted by Anik Bissonnette, artistic director of the École supérieure, and Étienne Lavigne, co-chair of the Foundation’s board of directors, the ceremony highlighted the importance of philanthropic commitment to enable young talents to pursue their artistic dreams.

Essential support for students

At the ceremony, 25 students received one of seven named scholarships, in recognition of the generosity of individuals and businesses dedicated to promoting the arts. These scholarships, worth a total of $47,775, are in addition to the incentive scholarships ($45,876 raised throughout the year) that support 46 other young people for the 2024-2025 school year. A total of $93,651 was awarded in scholarships this year, allowing students from low-income families or living in remote areas to have access to world-class dance training.

A community committed to excellence

Several donors personally presented scholarship certificates to students in a special moment of connection that illustrates the importance of community support for the next generation of artists.

List of named scholarships

– Raymond Goulet Scholarships – Donor: Mr. Michel Rossignol, member of the Chiriaeff Heritage Circle of the École supérieure.

– Desjardins Scholarship – Donor organization: Caisse du Plateau Mont-Royal.

– Desjardins Securities Exchange – Donor organization: Girard-Lacroix Group.

– CN Scholarship – Donor organization: Canadian National. Delivered by Ms. Natacha Engel, also co-president of the Foundation and founder of the Foundation’s Young Business Scene.

– Sophie Houle Scholarships – Donor: Mrs. Anie Perrault, mother of a student at the École supérieure.

– Jean-Paul Bellon Scholarships – Donor: Mr. Jean-Paul Bellon, honorary member of the École supérieure and first President of the Foundation.

– Yannick Matthon Scholarship – This scholarship, created in 2022 thanks to an appeal for memorial donations from the Matthon family, is intended to support the careers of young boys in dance.

Philanthropy to help young people’s health and success

In addition to funding the scholarships mentioned above, the $225,000 awarded by the Foundation supports a range of essential physical and psychological health services for students. Young athletes benefit from mental preparation coaching, nutritional advice, cooking classes and eating disorder prevention programs. Access to health professionals such as sports doctors, psychologists and physiotherapists is also ensured. Finally, a portion of this sum is dedicated to the Vincent-Warren Dance Library, a valuable asset for the educational and cultural development of the community.

Diploma in dance teaching

The ceremony concluded with the presentation of graduate diplomas in classical dance teaching, marking an important step for a new generation of teachers, ready to pass on their passion and knowledge.


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