
Biased Media Covered Harris’ Concern During Fox News Debate

Biased Media Covered Harris’ Concern During Fox News Debate

But that debate never happened. Why? Harris was too cowardly to debate Trump on Fox News. Instead, she ran to the left-wing, agenda-driven, Harris-friendly fringes of ABC News. So it’s pretty ridiculous that Harris, the Democrats, and their accomplices in the mainstream media are pretending that Trump is too afraid to debate Harris again.

It is dishonest, misleading and downright hypocritical to present such a portrait to the former president, who reportedly avoided participating in a debate while the current vice president is too afraid to hold press conferences. Trump is an octogenarian and regularly takes questions from hostile media. But Harris, whose campaign has regularly played up her youth compared to Trump’s, can’t do what a 78-year-old man who survived a recent assassination attempt can do?

Harris’s claim that Trump is afraid is particularly comical, given that she is so afraid of public appearances that she had to cancel her appearance at the traditionally jovial Alfred E. Smith Foundation dinner. The dinner is a typical moment in presidential campaigns, when the two candidates poke fun at each other. But apparently the vice president couldn’t take it. Harris and her campaign may deny that she is afraid of such events, but actions speak louder than words — and what Harris is doing screams “cowardice.”

Harris was given the opportunity to debate, but she declined. She was too afraid to do what Trump dared to do: participate in a political debate on a television network that is not a de facto extension of your presidential campaign. Harris’s shyness should be brought up daily between now and the election to accurately highlight her flaws. It should also be brought up repeatedly to illustrate the obscene levels of dishonesty and bias displayed by pundits, politicians, Democratic politicians, and others working for Harris’ campaign, officially and unofficially.

The reality is that Harris’ refusal to debate Trump on Fox News is being deliberately and systematically ignored. The media is presenting it as if it never happened. All the articles, reports and narratives surrounding the presidential debates are currently focusing on a negative image of Trump rather than telling the truth about Harris’ fear. This is a clear sign of the media’s illicit efforts to manipulate the masses and persuade voters to think in a way that is favorable to Harris. This is a subliminal way of influencing the election.

This isn’t a groundbreaking revelation to anyone who’s been following politics for a few years. And, to be fair, the idea that the mainstream media is working behind the scenes to advance left-wing, liberal, and Democratic politicians at the expense of Republicans is a phenomenon that has arguably been happening for decades. However, just because it’s been happening for a long time doesn’t mean it should be allowed to happen. This is just one example of one of the many unfair obstacles Trump faces in his quest to win the 2024 presidential election.

Still, as unfair as it may seem, this is the political reality of the country. But Harris’ cowardice should not be ignored. It is something Trump should mention daily, in every interview, every statement, and every political ad. The entire country should be reminded that Kamala Harris, the current vice president and the woman running to become the most powerful person on the planet, does not have the guts to debate a political rival, unless the network hosting the debate is left-leaning.


This raises many questions, not the least of which concerns the realistic assessment of her qualifications to be president of the United States. After all, if Harris can’t run Fox News, how will she be able to run the presidency?

If everyone is honest about this question, the answer is simple: she can’t.