
Teals sound alarm as Labour seeks to exclude them from electoral reforms for billionaires — Capital Brief

Teals sound alarm as Labour seeks to exclude them from electoral reforms for billionaires — Capital Brief

Teal MPs fear the major parties are rushing to introduce unfair changes to Australia’s electoral system designed to protect their “comfortable duopoly” from a growing independent wave, while Labor is presenting the reforms as a way to limit billionaires’ influence on politics.

Teal MPs fear the main parties will rush to adopt unfair electoral changes to protect their “comfortable duopoly” from a growing independent wave, while Labor presents the reforms as necessary to limit the influence of billionaires on the political system.

After months of speculation about the scale of its overhaul of Australia’s electoral system, Labor looks set to eliminate independents when it presents its plan to parliament this year, potentially just before the federal election.

In the clearest sign yet that he is instead seeking a deal with the coalition, the special minister of state Don Farrell It was confirmed on Tuesday that the bill would include spending limits for candidates.