
Tom Kean Jr. gives you the silent treatment | Sheneman

Tom Kean Jr. gives you the silent treatment | Sheneman

The adult man seen in this video – absolutely refusing to make eye contact, let alone answer a simple question from a member of the press – is Congressman Tom Kean Jr.

We would be forgiven for not recognizing the man, he spends most of the year in a secret location, away from the prying eyes of a public who wants to know what their chosen one is up to.

Tom Kean Jr. refuses to answer questions from the press, rarely holds town hall meetings with his constituents, and virtually refuses to give a direct answer when he does. Why is this son of one of New Jersey’s most important political families so camera shy? Did he find refuge in a monastery? Is this a vow of silence, a clever political strategy, or just a guy throwing a tantrum?

Kean Jr. is in a competitive race with Democratic challenger Sue Altman for the 7th District, but he has chosen to reject the free press in favor of paid advertising in order to get his message across. This message, as evidenced by the flyers currently cluttering my mailbox, is full of classic platitudes about protecting our families and so on.

No mention of Donald Trump or Kean Jr’s support for him is absent from these campaign materials.

If the congressman deigned to answer questions from the press, Trump would surely be a topic of discussion. Considering that Kean Jr. represents a relatively moderate district last won by Joe Biden, his silence begins to make more sense.

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