
Wife of 68-year-old man killed in Corfu confesses to murder

Wife of 68-year-old man killed in Corfu confesses to murder

The wife of the 68-year-old man killed in Corfu has confessed to the murder, according to reports

The man’s body was found at their home and nearby, police discovered their 11-year-old daughter’s bloodstained clothes as well as the murder weapon, a kitchen knife.

The motives for the crime are not yet clear, but the couple had previously attracted the attention of authorities for incidents of domestic violence, leading investigators to focus on the wife from the outset. Three incidents of domestic violence were reported: the first in 2022, when the husband filed a complaint against his wife, and two more in January and February 2024, with both parties filing complaints against each other.

The coroner, Mr. Ioannis Aivatidis, who led the forensic investigation, found that the victim had a deep wound caused by a sharp, piercing object, located in the left subclavian region (below the collarbone). The wound, believed to have been caused by a kitchen knife (similar to the one found by police), led to the man’s death from internal and external bleeding.