
5 cheat codes that give you an unfair advantage on dating apps

5 cheat codes that give you an unfair advantage on dating apps

Are you a guy on an online dating app? Do you have trouble convincing women to date you? You don’t know why? The problem may be with you, unfortunately. From cheesy pick-up lines to no-no photos to profile mistakes, here’s a look at the top five mistakes men make when dating online – from the female perspective. Do it right and we might let you take us on a date.

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Here are 5 cheat codes that give you an unfair advantage on dating apps:

1. Post photos that show your personality

Don’t post a photo of yourself holding a beer. Do you think we want to know what brand of beer you drink? It’s not Sigma Pi, and we don’t care. Don’t post photos of yourself where we can’t see you. If you’re standing 100 yards from the camera, your face is in shadow, or you’re wearing a hat, you’re disturbing our dude-dar.

If we can’t get a good look at you to determine what kind of guy you might be, we probably won’t be able to get within 100 yards of you. Don’t post photos of your ridiculous self: dressed as a clown, covered in cake icing, wearing Mardi Gras beads. We are looking for a companion, not a party animal. Post recent photos of yourself in which you look happy and beautiful. Now we are talking.

2. Be original

On an online dating site, you are a guy in a crowded virtual room. If you want to spend some one-on-one time with the ladies, you’ll need to stand out from the rest of the pack.

If your profile describes you as “kind,” “outgoing,” “friendly,” “sincere,” “funny,” “nice,” “adventurous,” or “hardworking,” we probably fell asleep before we finished it. read. . Following! Do you know how many other guys use these same words? All.

Get creative with your bio, create a thesaurus, and take risks. Tell us what makes you unique and different, and we’ll recognize your specialness through the virtual mist. Don’t tell us you’re funny; be funny. Remember, you are selling yourself and your buyer is a woman. We don’t want to read a generic, boring, cliché-filled personal CV. We are emotional buyers, and you close the deal.

Cheat Codes That Give You an Unfair Advantage on Dating Apps Tim Samuel / Pexels

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3. Use proper grammar and tell the truth

Women read anything into everything. But you already knew that, didn’t you? We check your profile, we review your stats, we review your photos, we scan your prose.

We try to understand who you are through every detail. Because this is a buyer’s market (ours!), we’re looking for a reason to exclude you.

Take the time to polish your profile. A spelled, grammatically correct, and well-written profile shows us that you’re in it personally and professionally, not some ne’er-do-well living in his mom’s basement. A survey by dating app Zoosk indicates that 48 percent of singles consider poor grammar a deal-breaker in online dating.

While you’re at it, don’t fudge the facts. The truth about your age, height and income is bound to be revealed if we date. Women are like hounds when it comes to detecting BS. Honesty is hot.

4. Be specific in your messages

We know it’s not easy to pick up a woman. Unfortunately, this does not make us more merciful. Start with a lame line, and we’re doomed to tear you down or, worse yet, ignore you. “How was your weekend?” “You seem like an interesting person.” “How are you doing today?” Boring. “Do you have any photos of yourself in a bikini?” Pervert alert! “If you go out with me, I will be forever grateful.” Yeah, uh, no.

Do you know what affects women? Specificity. Take the time to get to know them virtually and respond specifically to something in their profile. Whether it’s going to Coachella, eating cottage cheese with ketchup, or trekking to Machu Picchu, highlight the connections between us. Before you know it, we will say “yes” to your appointment request. Another big thing women love? A study carried out in 2021 shows that women like kindness in a man.

5. Don’t hesitate to ask her for a date

Don’t message or text us forever. Go ahead already! We will know within the first five minutes of meeting you whether you are right for us or not. When we’ve gone back and forth long enough to feel comfortable, ask us for a no-pressure date.

Drinks or dinner. No movies or trips to the beach. Follow the golden rule: KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid.) If you ask her out and she’s very hesitant, turns you down, or rejects you, move on to the next one. If we don’t jump at the bait, we probably won’t be really interested. Once you’re in the room together, well, that’s up to you, buddy. Just keep one thing in mind: making a girl laugh is one of the surest ways to win her heart.

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Cheat Codes That Give You an Unfair Advantage on Dating Apps studio cottonbro / Pexels

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