
End of BeachLife Festival Wind Ruins; The organizer takes care of the cancellation

End of BeachLife Festival Wind Ruins;  The organizer takes care of the cancellation

The frontman of the band that presents the BeachLife music festival in Redondo Beach, which had to end early Sunday evening due to dangerous winds, said Monday that he fully supports the decision of the police and firefighters to interrupt the event on behalf of the public. security.

“I am well aware and take very seriously the responsibility inherent in producing a large-scale event to prioritize the safety and security of each individual participating above all else, including economics or any other potential outcome,” said Allen Sanford, CEO of BeachLife. a statement released by the City of Redondo Beach.

“Although I am a festival producer, I am first and foremost a father, husband and community member, and I wholeheartedly support (Redondo Beach Fire Chief Patrick Butler)’s decision to evacuate. “, did he declare. “Yesterday, the Beachlife Festival and the City of Redondo Beach Police and Fire Department collectively demonstrated to the community how seriously we take this responsibility by quickly identifying a weather threat and conducting a large-scale, safe evacuation and fast. »