
I offered to help my girlfriend financially, then she dumped me

I offered to help my girlfriend financially, then she dumped me

DEAR DEIDRE: My girlfriend dumped me despite my generosity. I offered to pay her bills even though she wasn’t earning much.

I grew up in the East End of London, but landed a very lucrative job as a trader in the City. I met my girlfriend online a year ago and thought everything was great.

She lives in London. She is 34 years old and has a seven-year-old daughter. I’m 37 years old and I decided to sell my apartment by the river and move to be closer to her. She works as a waitress but has a zero hours contract. She has such a hard time making ends meet.

I said if we lived closer I could help her and when she was ready we could find a place to live together. The move went through and I now walk five minutes to his studio.

She was having financial difficulties last month, so I put some money into her account. Now she has ended my relationships, saying she wasn’t ready for this big life change with me being nearby.

What did I do?

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DEIDRE SAYS: Probably nothing, but maybe she feels like she can’t compete or she feels like you’re looking at her as a charity when she’s been proud to manage in the past.

Tell him how much they both mean to you and that you want to help him but don’t expect anything in return.

If she explains that this relationship has run its course then there’s not much you can do about it, but my support pack called Moving On will help.

Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy