
Video message from Prime Minister Kishida during the Japan-Ukraine public-private roundtable (speech and statements by the Prime Minister)

Video message from Prime Minister Kishida during the Japan-Ukraine public-private roundtable (speech and statements by the Prime Minister)

(Provisional translation)

My name is Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister of Japan. I am delighted to host this Japan-Ukraine public-private roundtable, bringing together companies from Japan and Ukraine following our conference in Tokyo in February.

I would like to offer my sincere respects to the Ukrainian people for their courage and perseverance in the struggle to defend their freedom and independence in the face of ongoing intense Russian aggression. Japan continues to support Ukraine through cooperation between the public and private sectors. Japan will do everything possible to ensure the restoration of peace to this magnificent country of Ukraine and to take concrete steps towards its reconstruction.

The message I would like to share today is that the main players in the reconstruction of Ukraine are businesses from both countries, like those present at this roundtable. Among the 56 signed cases presented at the Japan-Ukraine Conference for Promoting Economic Growth and Reconstruction in February, 35 came from the private sector, which Prime Minister Shmyhal called a “remarkable achievement.”

Such support is “an investment in the future,” not only for Ukraine, but also for Japan and the world. We expect a lot from the strong desire of businesses to contribute to the reconstruction of Ukraine and turn it into a great opportunity for themselves. We strongly support businesses facing challenges and risks not normally associated with their business.

The new cooperation projects presented today are the result of the strong aspirations of businesses in both countries. Japan will support you based on the three principles of inclusion, partnership and knowledge/technology, as well as the five actions, including the establishment of a JETRO office in Kyiv, to which we committed in February. Additionally, Japan contributes to a stable energy supply, which forms the foundation of citizens’ lives and business activities, by providing new equipment in response to the recent energy crisis in Ukraine.

We wish harmony and success to the governments and businesses that join us here today. Japan has been and will continue to be on Ukraine’s side. Thank you so much.