
Train strike, 24-hour stoppage at this time. Delays and cancellations on rail lines. What you might want to know

Train strike, 24-hour stoppage at this time.  Delays and cancellations on rail lines.  What you might want to know

MILAN – Sunday full of inconveniences for those who are on tour practical for that strike proclaimed in Trenitalia of the acronym of the autonomous union National Assembly pdm/pdb (engine crew and on-board crew) from Sunday June 16 at 3 a.m. to Monday June 17 at 2 a.m.

“The national strike could have repercussions on rail traffic and lead to possible total or partial cancellations of Frecce, Intercity, Trenitalia Regional and Trenitalia Tper trains,” warns Trenitalia, emphasizing that the consequences, in terms of cancellations and delays, “could occur even before and after the end time of the strike”. The company invites all passengers to find out before going to the station and, if possible, to reschedule their trip.

“Since yesterday, we have sent more than 75,000 text messages and emails to prematurely inform our passengers of the possible inconveniences of the strike. The call center handles an average of 1,500 telephone calls per hour: almost triple compared to an extraordinary Sunday”, and in addition, “there has been a strengthening of the help desk in the main stations to ensure assistance to those who need data,” informed Trenitalia. recording the most recent information.

How to get data

For information, the decision center is active at 9800 89 20 21 or you can search for information on the Trenitalia website ranging from the practice number. However, it remains to obtain on site the checklist of trains operated in the event of a strike. Alternatively, from this RFI web page, the status of exits and associated canceled trains at a given station is achievable.

What to do in case of cancellation

Travelers who intend to abandon the trip – specifies Trrenitalia on its website – can request a refund from the declaration of strike until the departure time of the reserved practice, for Intercity and Frecce trains and until midnight the day before. than the strike itself, for regional trains. Alternatively, “they will reschedule the journey, under similar transport conditions, as soon as possible, subject to seat availability”.

The different stops

Also workers of the regional practice of Trénorth in Milan and Lombardy, it should stop at the same hours, after a stop proclaimed by Uiltrasporti e Orsa railways.

At the same time, workers on board Campania’s regional rail transport can also cross their arms. The regional unions of Filter Cgil, Cisl adjustment, Uiltrasporti, Ugl railway workers, Fast e Orsa declared a 23-hour strike to “demand better working conditions” for Trenitalia Dbr Campania staff.