
“I refuse to attend my friend’s ‘no men’ wedding – it’s stupid and unfair”

“I refuse to attend my friend’s ‘no men’ wedding – it’s stupid and unfair”

A woman has blasted her friend for having a ‘no men’ wedding and stopping her own father and brother from attending the special day – as she claims her decision is wrong and sexist

Woman criticizes her friend’s ‘manless’ marriage(Getty Images)

When it comes to creating a guest list for your wedding, most people quickly realize that they have more people in their lives than they initially thought. But one couple took a unique approach to whittling down their guest list: banning all men from attending their ceremony, including their fathers and brothers.

A confused woman has taken to social media to share how her friend Lisa, 34, and her fiancée Sophie, 35, decided to get married ‘without men’. She said: “I’ve known them both for a number of years and I am (or was until this whole debacle) quite close to Lisa so I wasn’t surprised they invited me to the wedding.

“However, the invitation stated that it was a ‘no-men’ event, meaning no men were allowed to attend. Even though I’m not a man myself, I thought it was a strange decision on their part.” As the woman is on good terms with Lisa’s 28-year-old brother, she decided to message him to try to understand their reasoning for banning men from their special day.

She added: “Apparently neither he nor his or Lisa’s dad are invited (he doesn’t know anything about Sophie’s family but assumes it’s the same with them) and he has no idea what who motivated this rule, he says that by now it has naturally turned into a full-blown family conflict. »

After hearing this, she decided to decline the invitation because it is sexist to exclude an entire gender. She said: “I think I wouldn’t have gone anyway because not allowing a man there seems weird to me, but especially in light of the information I received from Lisa’s brother, I called her to tell her that unfortunately I won’t be able to attend.

“She asked me why and I tried to make up a good excuse, but I’m a bad liar, so after she pressed me for a reason, I told her the truth: I think the no-men rule is weird and I don’t do it. I don’t want to be involved in it. I didn’t tell her I contacted her brother, just that I’m not a fan of gender-segregated events.

However, Lisa called her a “bad friend” for refusing to support her and Sophie for wanting their marriage to be “female-centric”. Wanting to know if she was wrong, she said: “I told her it would be women-centric anyway, since both people getting married are women. She hung up and I didn’t I haven’t heard from him since, but Sophie sent messages saying I had internalized the misogyny.

“Personally I think I behaved reasonably, but Lisa and Sophie clearly disagree, so am I the asshole in this situation?” While most users praised her for declining the invitation, others shared their thoughts on the couple’s “no man” wedding, with many agreeing that it was “unfair”. One user said: “This is really cringeworthy and you’re right not to support something like this.”