
Sons of Norway reunite at Shalom Hill Farm for tour – The Globe

Sons of Norway reunite at Shalom Hill Farm for tour – The Globe

WINDOM — The Sons of Norway Stavanger Lodge 1-538 will meet at 7 p.m. July 18 at Shalom Hill Farm in Windom.

A tour of Shalom Hill Farm, led by Director Keith Newman, will be the main program. Members and interested individuals wishing to travel are encouraged to meet at the Cottonwood County Historical Museum, 812 Fourth Ave., Windom, no later than 6:15 p.m. to rideshare to the farm, located at 42194 Cottonwood County 3, Windom.

The public is cordially invited to attend the presentation free of charge. Guests are always welcome at any lodge meeting. Learn about our mission, enjoy the camaraderie, and perhaps hear a historical story about our Scandinavian ancestors. Refreshments will be served.

The mission of the Sons of Norway is to promote, preserve and cherish a lasting appreciation of the heritage and culture of Norway and other Nordic cultures while developing healthily as a fraternal benefit society and providing maximum benefits to its members.

The local lodge in Stavanger was founded in 1974 and currently has 60 members.

For more information, contact co-chairs Harvey Pedersen at (507) 445-3188 or Bonnie Frederickson at (507) 370-2850.