
A woman shows her shocked face to spectators at Belfast’s 12th Anniversary parade

A woman shows her shocked face to spectators at Belfast’s 12th Anniversary parade

Video: Woman shows shocked face to spectators at 12th Anniversary parade in Belfast

A woman surprised onlookers as she joined protesters in Belfast for the annual July 12 celebrations.

She also gave them a lot more than they expected to see when she pulled down her top to expose her chest.

The unidentified blonde woman was filmed accompanying the main procession along the Lisburn Road on its way to Barnett’s Demesne.

The woman pictured appears to have no connection with the Orange Order or the group.

The Belfast Telegraph also understands that the woman was asked to leave the parade several times by police commissioners.

While it is not unusual for supporters to follow the bands and boxes during the day, it was his somewhat unconventional choice of clothing that drew questioning glances from bewildered spectators lining the route.

His black bowler hat and orange ruff perfectly matched the theme of the day.

But the choice of black fishnet tights, a gold sequined belly top and knee-high leather boots was a bit of a break from tradition.

The same was true of the decision to replace the usual lambeg or marching drum with an Irish bodhran.