
Breaking news: Netherlands stops subsidizing youth orchestras

Breaking news: Netherlands stops subsidizing youth orchestras

Normand Lebrecht

July 16, 2024

The Dutch orchestral world is in turmoil following the latest disastrous budget cuts.

Amsterdam, 15 July 2024 – Eleven different interest groups from the music sector have called on the Minister of Education, Culture and Science to ensure the sustainability of talent development in Dutch classical music and jazz. These institutions are at risk of disappearing due to the Cultural Participation Fund’s recommendation to stop subsidies to these institutions. These are:

The National Youth Orchestras of the Netherlands (Netherlands Youth Orchestra, National Youth Orchestra and Jeune Orchestre Métropole),
The Ricciotti Ensemble,
The national children’s and youth choirs (Stichting Vocaal Talent Nederland),
Princess Christina Contest,
Dutch Violin Competition,
Britten for young musical talents.
In their letter, Simon Reinink, general director of the Concertgebouw, and Piet van Gennip, general director of the Dutch Ballet Orchestra, point out that this situation threatens to destroy the last foundation for the development of classical and jazz musicians’ talents in the Netherlands. These organisations provide a necessary bridge between music schools (many of which have already closed due to budget cuts in the municipalities) and continuing education and professional practice.

The authors also advocate for a comprehensive policy to protect the fragile ecosystem of classical music and jazz. This should help prevent a situation like this, in which institutions with many years of experience and history can suddenly disappear. But above all, the eleven organisations call for rapid action to preserve the institutions in the Netherlands.

The letter from all Dutch concert halls and orchestras was co-signed by:

Association of Dutch Orchestras (VvNO)
Phion, Gelderland and Overijssel Orchestra, Arnhem & Enschede
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam
Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and Grand Broadcasting Choir, Hilversum
Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra | Netherlands Chamber Orchestra (NedPhO), Amsterdam
Northern Netherlands Orchestra, Groningen
Philzuid, Eindhoven and Maastricht
Residence Orchestra, The Hague
Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Rotterdam
The Amsterdam Ballet Orchestra
Concert halls affiliated with the Association of Theatre and Concert Hall Directors (VSCD):
The Concertgebouw in Amsterdam
Wilmink Theater and Enschede Music Center, Enschede
Orpheus Theatre, Apeldoorn
SPOT Groningen, Groningen
From Doelen, Rotterdam
Arnhem Music and City Theatre, Arnhem
Schouwburg & PHIL Haarlem, Haarlem
City Hall Nijmegen and Concert Hall Vereeniging, Nijmegen
Tilburg Concert Hall Theatre, Tilburg
TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht
Amare, The Hague
Music Museum on the IJ, Amsterdam
PLT Parkstad Limburg Theatres, Heerlen
Music Building Eindhoven, Eindhoven
Bimhouse, Amsterdam
Leiden Theatre and Stadsgehoorzaal, Leiden
Musical ensembles affiliated with NAPK,
Association of Free Theatre Producers (VVTP),
Network Music (the conservatories of the Netherlands),
National Opera and Ballet,
Professional choir consultation,
More music in class,
Cultural connection,
Netherlands Choir Network,
Royal Netherlands Music Organisation.
Quote from Simon Reinink (The Concertgebouw):

“In the Netherlands, we are proud to have a strong classical and jazz sector. But without our youth orchestras, choirs and competitions, there will soon be nothing left and the Jong Oranje will disappear from our musical culture. We absolutely must keep these institutions in the Netherlands!”