
Traveler arrested trying to smuggle over 100 snakes in his pants on plane

Traveler arrested trying to smuggle over 100 snakes in his pants on plane

Traveling with pets can be a complicated process. With different fees and rules from airlines, planning a trip with small companions can be stressful. Many people have emotional support animals that grant them different rights and access during the trip. While traveling with pets is very complex, some travelers have criminal intentions.

Smuggling unauthorized or dangerous animals onto a plane is a dangerous situation that can put everyone at risk, including the airport and the plane’s crew. However, that didn’t stop one man from going to great lengths to try to smuggle snakes onto a plane. Here’s what travelers need to know about the situation.

More information on the snake trafficking situation

The incident happened in southern China at Futian Port, a border crossing between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The man was traveling from Hong Kong to the Chinese border city of Shenzhen. The incident happened Tuesday after customs officers stopped a traveler.

Although the name of the traveler remains unknown, Chinese customs authorities have clarified the situation. The animal smuggler attempted to sneak through an “undeclared channel” at the port. Upon inspection, customs officials found something rather strange in the man’s pants. Officers discovered six drawstring bags hidden in his pants, which were sealed with duct tape. Once opened, officers realized that the bags contained live snakes. There were over 100 reptiles in the man’s pants. There were many different types of snakes.

China is one of the world’s largest hubs for animal trafficking. Although authorities are working to address the problem of China’s thriving black market, it has not yet been completely eradicated. This bizarre incident shows that the illegal wildlife trade is still alive and well.

With millions of dollars being made from this illegal trade, this operation remains a major business. Smuggling in China threatens the environment and has even led to the deaths of forest rangers by poachers.

Consequences of illegal animal trafficking

Although some of the snakes the man tried to smuggle turned out to be native species, there were also non-native species. China’s biosecurity and disease control laws are very strict. They prohibit people from introducing non-native species without permission.

Illegal trade has also raised concerns in recent years, and authorities have been handing out harsher sentences, sometimes up to life in prison. Violations of the rules are taken very seriously. In this example, the man’s punishment was not specified, but the fact that the case is making headlines could make him an example to other traffickers.