
Trump Courts Youth Vote by Dancing at YMCA with Homophobic Streamer Adin Ross

Trump Courts Youth Vote by Dancing at YMCA with Homophobic Streamer Adin Ross

Donald Trump dancing alongside Adin Ross. The car door shows Trump after his assassination attempt in July.

Donald Trump dancing alongside Adin Ross. The car door shows Trump after his assassination attempt in July. Photo: YouTube screenshot

In an effort to win over young conservatives, former President Donald Trump (R) conducted a live interview with Adin Ross, a 23-year-old Jewish internet personality who previously interviewed misogynistic human trafficking suspect Andrew Tate and Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist anti-Semite who had dinner with Trump in November 2022.

Ross, who lost his 7.2 million subscribers on the live streaming platform Twitch last year for broadcasting homophobic slurs and allowing racist and anti-Jewish messages in his live chat, now has 1.3 million subscribers on the live streaming app Kick, where his Trump interview aired.

During the hour-and-a-half interview Monday at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, Fla., residence, Trump called the United States a “drug-addicted” and “crime-infested” nation. Ross presented Trump with a Rolex watch and a customized Tesla Cybertruck featuring a photo of Trump with a bloodied ear raising his fist moments after surviving an assassination attempt on July 15. Both expensive gifts could violate campaign finance laws.

Ross began the interview by saying that he and his viewers all “love” Trump because he is a “true hero to this country.” Trump told Ross that his 18-year-old son, Barron, had informed him of Ross’s massive online popularity. Trump then referred to transphobic and extremist billionaire X-rated owner Elon Musk as “a great guy” and “a fantastic person,” before calling Vice President Kamala Harris “stupid,” “incompetent,” “the most unpopular vice president,” and “worse than” President Joe Biden. Trump then mentioned that she failed her first bar exam, though thousands of current lawyers have also failed.

Trump then claimed that Biden had been replaced by a coup. He later alluded to the coup his supporters attempted in the January 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol. Trump called those arrested “patriots who complained about an unfair election,” even though Trump-appointed federal judges have found no evidence of voter fraud in the more than 60 cases Trump and Republicans have brought against him. Trump has promised to pardon those arrested on January 6, even though they injured about 140 police officers, causing a broken spine, the loss of an eye, fingers, brain injuries and multiple cases of post-traumatic stress disorder. Trump claims the courts have been politicized and too harsh on him and those arrested.

Ross said his California high school teachers often told him Trump was a “horrible person.”

“It’s not a good idea to do that,” Ross said. “It’s inappropriate for teachers to discuss politics in school.”
He then asked Trump what he thought about “corruption” in schools, adding: “They teach some pretty bad stuff in there.”

Trump responded, “(The school) has been brainwashed to some extent. Even the teachers have been brainwashed.” He then said he wanted “great schools” before saying he wanted a big military to protect the borders. Trump’s Republican platform opposes “racial” and “radical gender ideology” in schools, promising to “cut off funding to schools that engage in inappropriate political indoctrination of our children using federal taxpayer dollars.”

Trump then claimed that a new war could break out before the November election.

“Our country is in enormous danger,” economically and militarily, Trump said, before asserting that Israel and Palestine would not be at war today and that Russia would never have invaded Ukraine if he had been re-elected in 2020. Trump said in February that he would allow Russia to do “whatever it wants” to U.S. allies.

Ross asked Trump how to improve the economy. Trump implied that markets had no confidence in Biden after his lackluster performance in the June 27 debate. He then claimed that immigrant “terrorists” from “prisons” and “asylums” in “really dangerous places” are “coming in record numbers” and injuring and killing American citizens. Studies have shown that illegal immigration is unrelated to rising crime and that immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than American citizens.

Asked about Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s recent declaration of victory in a likely rigged election, Trump said the South American country’s cities have lower crime rates than American cities because he “moved” his criminals to the United States.

Trump repeated this theme throughout the interview, later saying that Harris and Democrats are not allowing police to do their jobs without the threat of prosecution, a possible attack on their police reform efforts to end brutality. He also discussed his interview with the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). He accused ABC News’ Rachel Scott, who was interviewed by NABJ, of being “rude” in asking him about his past slights toward black Americans.

Trump then claimed that it was politically incorrect to proclaim that “all men and women” are created equal, a dog whistle showing his opposition to transgender existence.

Later, Ross asked Trump what he thought of Ye, the anti-Semitic rapper formerly known as Kanye. Trump called him “complicated” but said he “has a good heart.” Kanye has previously said he loved Hitler and worshiped Nazis. He also called North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un “very smart, very strong.”

At the end of the interview, Ross presented Trump with the aforementioned gifts and the two men briefly danced to “YMCA” by the Village People. Although Trump often performs the song at his rallies, it undeniably has gay overtones.

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