
PACF Announces Mad Max Spirit Fund

PACF Announces Mad Max Spirit Fund

PARKERSBURG, W.Va. (WTAP) – Recently, the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation announced the launch of its Mad Max Spirit Fund.

The fund will perpetuate Mad Max’s love of the sport and, more specifically, Parkersburg South.

“We have decided to create a community foundation called the Mad Max Spirit Award and it will be given to a group or individual who promotes school spirit within the school. We hope it will bring out civic-mindedness, love of community and promote Parkersburg South High School,” Mad Max said.

What started as a way to show his love for the sport without playing has grown into something bigger.

“It all started when they dressed me up as a tutu man with a big wig to see if the kids would accept me at a basketball game and that’s how it started,” he said. “I never thought it would go this far, I didn’t know how long I could continue to be a spiritual leader or they would drop the tutu man. It’s rewarding, it’s humbling and it’s a warm feeling that you’ve done something, and it can inspire other people and hopefully it will inspire other people.”

Maxwell, a 1965 graduate of Parkersburg High School, taught English at Parkersburg South High School (PSHS) for 37 years, taught at Mountain State College for 22 years, worked as an assistant football coach at PSHS for 7 years, led the PSHS Rat Pack Spirit Group, served as the unofficial mascot of the Patriots for many years, and is celebrated for his dedication and commitment to the students of PSHS. During his nearly 40-year teaching career, Maxwell inspired countless students with his unwavering enthusiasm, leaving a lasting mark on the school and its community.

In honor of his contributions, Maxwell’s friends and family have come together to form the “Mad Max” Fund with PACF, which will make annual distributions to PSHS to support initiatives that build school spirit and foster a strong sense of pride among students. The fund aims to:

· Engage students in various activities and events that promote school unity.

· Strengthen students’ connection to Parkersburg South High School.

· Train student ambassadors who represent and defend the school and its values.

· Cultivate a lasting sense of pride in students’ educational journey.

“I hope people continue to invest money and take an interest in the fund to keep it going. I hope it continues to grow and expand and have more funds to operate over time and last as long as Parkersburg South,” Max said.

It is important to note that the Mad Max Fund is specifically intended to support these non-athletic initiatives. The Fund will not be used to support athletic programs or student participation in athletic activities, nor will it be used for scholarships or cash awards for students or alumni.

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