Space Marine 2: Saber reacts auf Review-Bombing

Space Marine 2: Saber reacts auf Review-Bombing

Saber Interactive’s first build of update 1004 for the shooter “Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2” has been released. After several Nerfs for Critic, you can discover the original version from Focus Entertainment in a work and a new balance patch.

Zuletzt dürften die Entwickler von Saber Interactive durch ein regelrechtes Wechselbad der Gefühle gegangen sein. Nachdem is in Vorfeld der Veröffentlichung zu einem leak a new version kam, feierte “Warhammer 40,000: Marine 2“ with more than 4.5 million games im first Monat einen erfolgreichen Start.

In the Letzten Woche veröffentlichte Saber Interactive das Update 1004. For the new scenario, there is a photo mode for individual missions or a new game level for the game, where there is a herausforderung besonderen transmission in place. Obwohl die new Inhalte von der Community positiv aufgenommen wurden, kam é nach der Veröffentlichung des Updates 1.004 for Criticism and one zwischenzeitlichen Review-Bombing auf Steam.

About the official X-Kanal, it merges with the real Publisher Focus Entertainment for Wort and comments on the Entwicklung der vergangenen Tage.

Neuer Balancing-Patch bereits in Arbeit

Negative community feedback on Patch 1004 is one of several Nerfs that have taken a hit, and the game has been written off with all others as positives.

Wie Focus Entertainment in a community version, where the Saber Interactive user reviews feedback and receives recommended updates.

Accordingly, Saber Interactive has been released in the upcoming Balancing Patch for “Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2“. This is the only place in Laufe der Woche erscheinen. Details for passing and checking, Saber Interactive with the patch has been released, but the editor has not been published.

The next day, the days will be more difficult.

Editor bedankt sich für das Feedback

Abschließend bedankte sich Focus Entertainment for the Feedback and the Unterstützung da Community.

“Liebe Spieler. We always have feedback on the new Space Marine 2 patch.

“Warhammer: Space Marine 2” arrives in September for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. The latest post-launch update was released in the first year of the last few seasons with new PvE missions, PvP arenas, and more.

The complete itinerary with some details and an overview of all the information found here here.

More images for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II.

This news on PlayStation Forum was released

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