Apple launched the Powerbeats Pro ein, new model kommt nächstes Jahr › Macerkopf

Apple launched the Powerbeats Pro ein, new model kommt nächstes Jahr › Macerkopf

Apple hat seine kabellosen Powerbeats Pro Kopfhörer eingestellt. You are no longer in the Apple Store and are available on the full Beats website. Dennoch gibt is the foundation of your experience: This Powerbeats Pro 2 doesn’t last longer than expected and starts with interesting new functions.

Photocredit: Beats (

The original Powerbeats Pro has been installed

The Powerbeats Pro have a good fortune, as you have already seen in the year 2019 on the market and a sporty alternative to purchasing AirPods. With an increasing number of exercises for safety, sit down with Powerbeats Pro, the first wahl for everyone, between your workouts, HIIT sessions or just intensive workouts in Fitnessstudio to break up your workout. The chips have been tested on the H1 chip (for smart connection to a range of Apple devices), which are IPX4 resistant and are shock-protected for daytime expansion.

First of all, Jahren treuer Dienste hat Apple nun beschlossen, des es Zeit ist, die OG Powerbeats Pro an den Nagel zu hängen. The latest version will be displayed at the start.

Powerbeats Pro 2: Schlankeres Design, Smart Functions

In a short video teaser that Apple released last month, it brought a new version of the Powerbeats Pro to the market. Top performers than the perfect Powerbeats Pro have a dizzying, sleek design.

Wie MacRumors berichtet, zeigte ein Blick in the iOS 18 Code, dass die Powerbeats Pro 2 eine Herzfrequenzüberwachung, Unterstützung for Active Noise Cancellation, 3D-Audio and adaptive Audio beten werden. However, it is clear that the Powerbeats Pro 2 have the following color options: Orange, Lila, Schwarz and Beige.

Was ist sonst noch zu erwarten? Based on them, that’s what we did with the Beats product, erwarten wir eine verbesserte Klangqualität und eine noch längere Akkulaufzeit. It is true that Apple in a new chip was defined as a platform compatible with Android and iPhone. You can use different configuration functions, one-touch pairing and more OS features.

Noch kein Veröffentlichungsdatum

Apple has not yet genuinely updated to the Powerbeats Pro 2 generated, but we know it was in the year 2025. In Anbetracht, dass die Original Powerbeats Pro fúne aus dem Programm genommen worden sind, ist damit zu recchnen, dass die neuen Ohrhörer Anfang des Jahres erscheinen. Somit sollte is bald eine offizielle Ankündigung von Apple geben.

Check out a teaser of the Powerbeats Pro 2 now:

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