
A sequel to The Fall Guy is already written and ready to go

While The Fall Guy has only been in theaters for a few days and doesn’t seem to be doing very well, with about $64 million under its belt after its opening weekend, which is about half of its budget from production, Ryan Gosling and the team behind the film hope to get the chance to return to this franchise.

Speaking to Fast Company, Gosling was asked about the possibility of doing more stunts in a hypothetical sequel to the film, to which he responded and revealed that a sequel script was already prepared and ready to go.

“The sequel kind of wrote itself. We already know (the story) intimately. We just hope people like this movie enough that we can continue to tell the story of these characters. We love them so much, and we love this world, and I’m confident we can do it.

Gosling continued to slightly clarify what he meant, adding: “We already love…I mean, we love these characters so much that we wanted to know, just for ourselves, what happens to Colt and (Emily Blunt’s character) Jody after the movie ends? What is the next phase for them? And we know exactly what that is so I hope the public wants to know that too.

It’s unclear if this story will ever be told judging by box office performance so far, but I hope we get to see it, because The Fall Guy was a lot of fun, as our review attests .

The guy who falls just in time