
American linked to Queensland police shootings offered plea deal

American linked to Queensland police shootings offered plea deal

An American accused of links to the family that shot dead two Australian police officers has been offered a plea deal by US federal prosecutors.

Donald Day Jr, 58, was arrested in December 2023 by the FBI in Arizona on two counts of “interstate threats”, 12 months after the shooting in rural Wieambilla, west of Brisbane.

Donald Day Jr., of Heber, Arizona, is accused of repeatedly sending messages about

Donald Day Jr., of Heber, Arizona, is accused of repeatedly sending messages about “end-times Christian ideology” to Wieambilla’s killers.Credit: Youtube

He was later charged with illegal possession of firearms – including three military-style rifles, handguns, a sawed-off shotgun and a large stash of ammunition – as well as threatening FBI agents during his arrest.

Prosecutor Gary Restaino last week asked for more time for pretrial motions because they made an undisclosed offer to Day in exchange for a plea, according to documents filed in U.S. District Court in Arizona .

“A plea offer has been extended and the deadline for acceptance is May 17, 2024,” Restaino said.

The U.S. Department of Justice says on its website that prosecutors can enter into a plea bargain with defendants if they are willing to plead guilty in court.

Officers Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold were shot and killed in December 2022.

Officers Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold were shot and killed in December 2022.

“When the government has a strong case, it may offer the defendant a plea deal to avoid a trial and perhaps reduce his or her risk of a longer sentence,” the department says.

In January 2024, Queensland Police began providing confidential evidence to the FBI relating to the murder of the two officers and a Wieambilla resident.