
Israeli Spox falls silent as Piers Morgan grills him on civilian death figures

Israeli Spox falls silent as Piers Morgan grills him on civilian death figures

Israeli government spokesperson Avi Hyman was silent while Pier Morgan questioned him about his inability to provide figures on the number of civilians killed in the ongoing campaign in Gaza, although he was able to provide figures on the number of Hamas terrorists killed.

Morgan’s interview with Hyman on Tuesday Piers Morgan uncensored began with a discussion of the Israeli military operation in Rafah. The host began to express concern about the advance towards Rafah, a refugee camp where 1.2 million Gazans are currently sheltering, including around 600,000 children.

Morgan said that given that Israel has “virtually destroyed most of northern Gaza” and “killed up to 40,000 people, depending on whether one accepts the figures from the Hamas-run health authorities” .

The host asked: “How many people could die before Israel says, ‘We can’t continue this operation?’ » »

Hyman responded, saying the mission was to destroy Hamas, a “genocidal terrorist organization” that intended to repeat its October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, and that Israel’s goal was “to avoid civilian losses”, which “we did successfully”. »

To justify the success of the campaign to date, he added: “Of the Hamas figure you just gave, more than 14,000 are terrorists that we have eliminated. More than 25,000 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists have been wiped off the map.”

Morgan responded, “So how many civilians do you think you killed?” »

Hyman said: “We don’t have

exact figures. As you know, it is the fog of war…”

“But you have the exact number of Hamas terrorists you have killed. Why wouldn’t you know how many civilians you killed? The host intervened.

Hyman began: “Because our goal is obviously to pursue Hamas terrorists and…”

Morgan interrupted again: “Wait, this implies that you place greater importance on the killing of Hamas terrorists in terms of numbers and responsibility than on innocent civilians.” Surely this cannot be true. If you know exactly how many Hamas terrorists you have killed, you should know how many civilians you have killed. Otherwise, you are prioritizing the lives of terrorists over the lives of innocents.”

The Israeli spokesperson denied giving an exact number of Hamas members killed and said the figures provided by the Gaza Health Ministry, an organization affiliated with the local Hamas government, were “accurate” but that Israel “rejects as false”. »

Morgan insisted again, “Well, if that’s not true, why would you give them to me?” »

The guest responded, “I gave you the numbers I had.” »

Morgan asked: “You told me you know how many Hamas terrorists you have killed, but you have no idea how many civilians you have killed. I’m just perplexed. Why wouldn’t you count both? »

Hyman said: “I don’t

I have this information to give you, Piers. If I did, I would.

“You literally have no idea how many civilians you’ve killed? repeated the host.

“I can tell you with certainty that our goal is to take on Hamas,” the spokesperson said.

Morgan said, “Wait. I’m sorry to push you on this. It’s quite extraordinary. You are an official spokesperson for the Israeli government and you have no idea how many civilians you have killed. I thought you just told me that you were especially careful not to kill civilians. But if you don’t know how many you killed, how can you say for sure?

“Because even if we went by Hamas’s numbers, we would still be way ahead of any Western army,” Hyman responded.

“That wasn’t my question. You know that wasn’t my question,” Morgan protested.

“I don’t have the information,” the guest repeated.

“You literally have no idea how many civilians you killed,” Morgan said.

“It’s not that I don’t know. I am not authorized to give the information. I don’t have the information,” Hyman said.

Morgan, however, continued to emphasize that the quality of Israel’s record in avoiding civilian casualties could not be verified if no data on civilian deaths were available: “You want me to believe you.

You are extremely careful about how many civilians you kill and you have an incredible track record, but you don’t know how many civilians you kill.

Responding, the Israeli spokesperson reiterated that he did not have the information and could not provide it, no matter how many times the journalist asked him.

After continuing to ask questions, Hyman eventually went silent, looking at the camera and refusing to answer the question.

Continuing to insist, the spokesperson finally reiterated his position: “Piers, we are in the fog of war. We are fighting for our very existence…”

Morgan replied: “No, you are not in the dark when it comes to killing terrorists. It seems to me that you are only confused when it comes to killing civilians.”

Hyman went on to highlight the difficulty of assessing the numbers given the nature of the operation: “I don’t know if there is a comparison to a war in modern history in which a terrorist organization has established itself the same way Hamas did in Gaza. We are doing everything possible to take on Hamas. And like I said, when the dust settles, you’ll see it.

It was at this point that Morgan thanked the representative and ended the interview.

Watch above on Piers Morgan uncensored.