
She refused to pay a $300 dinner bill on a date with a guy who ordered $220 worth of stuff and even offered to pay in advance, and he panic.

She refused to pay a 0 dinner bill on a date with a guy who ordered 0 worth of stuff and even offered to pay in advance, and he panic.

While this 21-year-old woman was recently swiping on Tinder, she came across a very sweet and cute 23-year-old guy. So, they started talking, and they got along really well.

“I thought he was the cutest and I loved his personality,” she said.

During their early conversations, she also discovered that he attended a nearby university. That’s why they planned to meet up and go eat at a local restaurant.

Now, to be clear, she has no problem paying for her own meals on dates. However, when they discussed the date before it happened, the guy offered to pay for her.

She even asked him if he was sure and said he could just pay the bill for himself. Still, the guy claimed he would be “more than happy” to pay for her dinner.

So, on the day of their date, she arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes early to take her seat and wait for the guy to arrive. He also arrived on time and the appointment started well.

They asked each other all the basic first date questions and had some small talk before ordering their food.

“I was having a great time and I thought he was too,” she recalls.

Well, that was until the check arrived, and it was a whopping $300! She couldn’t afford to pay that either, especially because the guy ordered $220 worth of food listed on the bill.

Yevhenii – – for reference only, not the actual person

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