
Diana Rusinova: Road traffic experts are shocked by the reorganization near the NDK ᐉ News from – Bulgaria

Diana Rusinova: Road traffic experts are shocked by the reorganization near the NDK ᐉ News from – Bulgaria

Some road traffic experts are shocked by the reorganization of traffic along “Patriarche Evtimii” and “Vitosha” boulevards. and “Fritjof Nansen”.

This was revealed to BNR-Radio Sofia by Diana Rusinova of the European Center for Transport Policy.

During the implementation of the project, two laws and six sub-normative acts were violated. In addition, she marvels at the black stakes installed, whose reflective sheeting is not up to standard for such situations.

“From the dust, these stakes will soon be visible. In addition, they should show me where the cycle paths are regulated and marked in yellow. The use of ordinary paint is unacceptable,” emphasized the expert.

Diana Rusinova said that a complaint will be filed in court and hopes that the only thing that can be done is to restore the last legal organization of traffic on these streets.

“We are not against cycle lanes and the development of Sofia as an ecologically clean city. I also don’t think that making it more difficult for some people to park upside down is a problem. The problem is that the people who came to power with the promise not to do like the previous ones, not only repeat them, but also surpass them, – commented on BNR radio Sofia Diana Rusinova from the European Center for Transport Policies.

“Their arrogance has reached the point where they no longer question whether something is really wrong. I don’t know how such a project can be accepted and approved in this way. It is defended most fiercely by “Save Sofia” and They invent all kinds of nonsense just to justify what they did, I don’t know why they want us to impose this project at all costs”, wonders Diana Rusinova.