
Inspired by Mom – Door County Pulse

Inspired by Mom – Door County Pulse

Door County residents submitted stories about their mothers and other important women in their lives to the Door County Women’s Fund, which is collecting quotes and photos to post on Facebook in honor of the holiday mothers.

The campaign, which has been accepting submissions until May 10, supports the organization’s mission to “build, enrich and sustain” the lives of women in Door County.

Here’s a taste of what community members submitted. Visit the organization’s Facebook page,, for more stories.

Happy Rocks, submitted by Justin Kirwen

My incredible mother Bethany Kirwen shares her love and encouragement with the world through her artwork. The world is a big place, but we don’t have to be loud and bold to stand out and make a difference.

For as long as I can remember, my mother carried “happy rocks,” smooth black stones with smiling faces painted on them. She gives them to unsuspecting people who need encouragement or who have made her day with their positive attitude. The rocks are tokens of appreciation, little signs that say “You are noticed in this big world” and “Thank you for being you.”

My mother always inspires me to be better and make a difference. She teaches me that small acts of kindness matter and that there shouldn’t always be a reward for our actions. I am grateful to have her as a mother and always look forward to seeing what she does next.

Shared joyssubmitted by Kacie Mueller

As I navigate the incredible journey of motherhood, I find myself reflecting on the remarkable woman who shaped me: my mother, Jolene Wilson. With unwavering patience and boundless kindness, she nurtured me, imparting valuable life lessons through her thoughtful teachings. Our bond was made even more special by the fact that I was born on his birthday, making it a true celebration of life shared.

Jolene Wilson and Kacie Mueller. Photo courtesy of Kacie Mueller.

Understanding the profound impact that reading can have on a young mind, my mother devoted her career to the school district, surrounding not only herself, but countless young minds, with the very books that ignited her passion for reading . She passed this love on to me effortlessly, ensuring that from a young age I was immersed in the magical worlds of countless stories.

One of the greatest gifts she gave me was a love for the wonders of nature. Her green thumb, inherited from her own mother, transformed into a passion that she happily shared with me. From tending vibrant gardens to exploring the great outdoors, she instilled in me a deep appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us.

Now, as I watch my own children, niece and nephew indulge in the simple pleasures of reading and discovering new stories, digging in the ground and marveling at the first flowers of spring, I am filled of gratitude for the legacy my mother left me. down. Her joy, wisdom, and caring spirit continue to guide me, shaping the way I parent and cherish every moment with my loved ones.

This Mother’s Day, I celebrate the extraordinary woman who not only gave me life, but also taught me how to truly live it: my mother, my mentor, my inspiration forever.