
Alameda County Prosecutor Pamela Price says she’s ready to defeat recall efforts in November

Alameda County Prosecutor Pamela Price says she’s ready to defeat recall efforts in November

Alameda County Prosecutor Pamela Price declared victory Wednesday in an initial battle to remove her from office, but who ultimately prevails in the recall effort against her won’t be decided until November.

Price said that the County Board of Supervisors’ decision Tuesday to consolidate the recall with the Nov. 5 general election is a victory for his campaign, especially since his critics pushed for supervisors to call special, stand-alone elections.

“We are here today to appreciate that the Board of Supervisors yesterday did the right thing and decided not to invest $20 million of our hard-earned tax dollars in a failed effort to overturn the November 2022 election.” , she said during a press conference Wednesday morning. conference at Oakland’s famous BBQ restaurant Everett & Jones, near Jack London Square.

“It’s a victory for the people of Alameda County. It’s a victory for democracy,” Price said.

Price won the 2022 election with about 53% of the vote and became the first African American woman to serve in the county’s top prosecutor’s office.

Soon after, however, opponents started a petition and eventually gathered enough signatures to put his name on a recall ballot, alleging that his progressive reform agenda was too soft on criminals and led to an increase in the crime – making her the country’s first prosecutor. county history to face a recall.

“They’ve flooded social media and the media with misinformation, they’re basically making things up without any basis or real understanding of how prosecutions work,” Price said.

Price said her opponents are running a “platinum roots” campaign – as opposed to a grassroots campaign – because it is primarily funded by what she calls wealthy out-of-town real estate and corporate interests who have already raised about 3 million dollars to defeat her.

Late last month, she held a press conference to discuss a state investigation into the political action committee funding the recall.

She also touted her accomplishments, as outlined in a 2023 annual report that said she created a new prosecution unit to combat organized retail theft, hired 12 new victim and witness advocates and added seven new clinicians at the Family Justice Center, which serves victims of domestic violence. violence, sexual assault, abuse of children and the elderly.

She also increased staffing of the mental health, sexual assault, domestic violence, felony trial and juvenile justice units and launched the Public Accountability Unit to address malpractice by public officials, the police and prosecutors, according to the report.

Price said she is determined not to let recall efforts distract from the work she is responsible for as a prosecutor.

“The Protect the Win campaign has been run by volunteers for almost a year and they have stood by for the people of Alameda County, as well as for me personally, as I have told them time and time again: I have to do my job,” Price said. “We won this (2022) election. We shouldn’t have to have another election.”

Also Wednesday, recall organizers Save Alameda For Everyone said the supervisors’ decision to place Price’s future on a ballot was a major step for their cause.

“We strongly believe that every member of our community deserves a district attorney who prioritizes justice, fairness and accountability. The November 5 recall election provides an opportunity for residents to voice their concerns and demand the leadership they deserve,” said SAFE leader Carl Chan. said in a press release.

Price did not comment on the possibility that she would sue either Alameda County Registrar of Voters Tim Dupuis or the Board of Supervisors, or both, over allegations that county officials failed to follow through their own election rules when managing the recall signature collection campaign.