
DP Gachagua skips 11 state offices amid reports of fallout with Ruto

DP Gachagua skips 11 state offices amid reports of fallout with Ruto

NTV Additionally, his personal line has been disconnected for some time now and he has missed 11 official functions with no explanation from his office.

The PD, who has in the past been a prominent figure at most events attended by President William Ruto, providing regular updates on his social media, has disappeared, sparking questions.

Gachagua was missing when President Wiliam Ruto welcomed Ugandan Yoweri Museveni.

A joint speech by Presidents Ruto and Uganda Museveni on Thursday, May 16, at State House, Nairobi, was attended by all cabinet members, with the Deputy President conspicuously absent.

When the visiting Ugandan president left the country, Gachagua was once again nowhere to be found, with former prime minister Raila Odinga and transport cabinet secretary Kipchumba Murkomen accompanying him.

When the President returned from Kigali, Rwanda, it was Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki, his Defense colleague Aden Duale, National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah and the head of the defense forces , General Charles Kahariri, who came to receive him.

The blatant absence of the PD has thus sparked speculation against a backdrop of concern and political realignments in Mount Kenya.

One of his last public engagements was at a church service in Kiambu County, when he called for more resources to be allocated to Mount Kenya, due to its huge population.

“This formula is not only motivated by the high population of our region, but also by the fact that it is the right thing to do. We are committed to ensuring equitable sharing of national revenues,” » declared DP Gachagua.

These remarks put him on a collision course with a number of foot soldiers loyal to President William Ruto who quickly distanced themselves from the DP’s remarks.

Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana criticized Gachagua, stressing that the move would affect his presidential ambitions.

“His statement is regrettable as it constitutes an attempt to continue the segregation and discrimination of arid and semi-arid regions.

“If you are planning to become president of this country, you cannot ignore sparsely populated counties. Presidents Daniel Arap Moi, Mwai Kibaki, Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto did not ignore us. Anyone who tries to ignore us will do so at their own risk. » Mungatana noted.

His absence comes at a time when the Mount Kenya region is experiencing increased political activity and realignments.

Earlier this week, a new formation called the Haki Coalition was unveiled at the Limuru III meeting attended by leaders from across the political spectrum.

Participants in the meeting criticized the Kenya Kwanza administration for failing to deliver on its promises and agreed that retired President Uhuru Kenyatta would serve as the region’s linchpin until he is formally replaced.