
How to use text formatting in Google Chat messages

How to use text formatting in Google Chat messages

Google Chat offers a range of formatting options to make your messages visually appealing and impactful. This guide will reveal the secrets to transforming your plain text into bold statements, italics, and colorful bursts of expression. Whether you want to emphasize key points, add flair to jokes, or simply organize your message, mastering text formatting will take your Google Chat communication to a whole new level.

On the desk :
1. Compose your message: Open a chat and start typing your message in the text bar.

2. Highlight the text you want to format: Click and drag your mouse to select the specific part of the text you want to edit.

3. Formatting options: Find the formatting options bar above the text bar. You will generally find icons for:

* Bold (B): Makes the selected text bold.

* Italic (I): Inclines the selected text.

* Underline (U): Adds an underline to selected text.

* Strikethrough (S): Draws a line through the selected text.

* Text color: Click this icon to choose a color for your text from a color palette.

* Bulleted list: Click this icon to add bullets before each line of selected text.

4. Apply Formatting: Click the desired formatting icon (Bold, Italic, etc.) to apply it to the selected text. You will see the change reflected in the text bar.

5. Send your message: Once you’ve finished formatting and writing your message, press Enter or click the send button (usually an arrow icon) to send your message.

On the mobile application (Android and iOS):
1. Compose your message: open a chat and enter your message in the text bar.

2. Highlight text: Long press on the desired text to select it. Drag the selection handles to adjust the highlighted area.

3. Formatting Options: You will see a menu appear above the selected text. Depending on your device and operating system version, you may see formatting icons or the “Format” option.

4. Apply formatting: Tap the desired formatting option (bold, italics, etc.) in the menu. You will see the change reflected in the text bar.

5. Send your message: Once formatting is complete, tap the send button (usually an arrow icon) to send your message.