
Clothing Closet Inspired by the Late Educator | News, Sports, Jobs

Clothing Closet Inspired by the Late Educator |  News, Sports, Jobs

Clothing Closet Inspired by the Late Educator |  News, Sports, Jobs

A LABOR OF LOVE — Sandie Hart, left, and Barbra Beatty examine the assortment of clothing that was donated to Kenny’s Kloset, an outreach program launched in memory of Sandie’s husband, Kenneth, at the Foundry Church in Wellsburg. -Warren Scott

WELLSBURG — Barbra Beatty said she was sitting in church one Sunday when the pastor asked the congregation what gifts they had received to serve God.

“I thought I didn’t have a donation,” Beatty said until she realized she had experience running a clothing consignment store for three years before the pandemic.

Beatty said although she was out of items from her Wellsburg store, she could appeal to the community for clothing that could be donated to area residents in need.

She and her husband, Jay, discussed the idea for a few months, and it was the death in December of Kenneth Hart, a retired educator and Foundry Church advisory board member, that spurred her to action.

“I said I wanted to include him in some way because of the level of care he had for everyone,” Beatty said.

“For anyone who met him, he had a positive impact on you.”

Beatty said her husband had been a student at the old Bethany Elementary School when Hart taught there, while she got to know him through their church.

With support from the church district and local leaders, Beatty set about converting a vacant room for use as a clothing closet.

She said since announcing the effort, she has received many donations and about 14 other church members have helped her sort them. She noted that her sign was created by Jim and Jo Ellen Haizlett.

Beatty said it will continue to accept clothing and accessories for men, women and children. She said any monetary donations should be made to benefit the church, which is at 1340 Washington Pike.

Beatty said she priced the items at a dollar or two so a fund could be established to help families facing a crisis, but no one will be turned away because they are unable to pay.

For this reason, the clothes closet is not strictly reserved for those in need.

Beatty said she prefers items for the current season and can only accept unused underwear and socks, adding that everything must be in good condition.

She said a local doctor’s office has donated small soaps and shampoos, which are given free to everyone, and the clothes closet may add toiletries in the future if there is enough demand.

Beatty noted that the church has a blessing box where people can leave and collect non-perishable food for those in need.

Located on the west side of the church, the wardrobe will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the first and third Saturday of each month and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month.

Those with questions can call (304) 737-0186 or send a message through the church’s Facebook page.

Sandie Hart said she was happy to see her late husband honored in this way.

Ken, 74, had worked in Brooke County Schools for 33 years, serving as a teacher and principal, including assistant principal at Brooke High School.

Sandie said he has heard from many former students who were helped by him, adding, “He kept a lot of kids from dropping out.”

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