
Italian man is shocked when his American wife asks for espresso with lunch: “With Mozzarella?

Italian man is shocked when his American wife asks for espresso with lunch: “With Mozzarella?

People from different cultures around the world have very different eating habits. What is considered normal in one part of the world may be dreadful to someone in another country. An Italian, Carlo and his American wife, Sarah, are known for their hilarious banter about their different cultural practices and their ever-growing love through them. The couple recently shared a video in which Sarah tried to try her luck by asking her traditional Italian husband if she could have an espresso with her lunch. If the first practice is common in the United States, it is inconceivable among Italians. As the couple sat down to a family lunch at home, Sarah asked, “Can you make me some coffee?”

Image Source: TikTok|@carloandsarah
Image Source: TikTok | @carloandsarah

Carlo innocently assumed his wife wanted the drink after her lunch, happily obliged. He nodded and said, “After lunch?” Sarah perplexed him by saying, “No, I want it for lunch.” The Italian immediately gave him a surprised look, totally incredulous. Although she completely deviated from his culture, Carlo kindly explained to her: “Mio Dio, my love, you can’t have coffee with mozzarella.” He offered her wine as an alternative, but Sarah, hilariously, remained adamant about having coffee. Her determination shocked Carlo beyond measure and he couldn’t help but stare at her in disbelief. “My love, no,” he said.

Image Source: TikTok|@carloandsarah
Image Source: TikTok | @carloandsarah

Knowing she had pushed her limits, Sarah tried to play a little longer and added requests but Carlo was firm on his practices and said, “I’m sorry but no.” More than their words, Carlo’s perplexed expressions amused people. “We do it in America,” Sarah said confidently. Even then, Carlo was sure to keep the two cultures distinct. With over 3,000 comments, people couldn’t help but burst out laughing at poor Carlo’s growing tension with his wife’s shenanigans. While many chuckled at the situation, others applauded how he is always patient with his wife and explains instead of reacting aggressively.

Image Source: TikTok|@carloandsarah
Image Source: TikTok|@carloandsarah

@adamemac said: “He’s never angry, he’s just always disappointed.” @mike_cahill_jpg wrote: “The horror in his eyes at the end.” Many people came to Carlo’s rescue and supported him. @fionnfitheach exclaimed: “Seriously, food is the love language of Italians.” @stacemh1 wrote: “His face… Don’t insult the poor man like that. » @themovie_man joked: “That poor man! He is heartbroken wherever you go against his upbringing. @omeang_gutling remarked: “His hand gestures always send me off!” Others were fascinated by the fact that the man held his wife in such high regard and love despite the pranks she played on him.

Image source: TikTok|@martina20._.01
Image source: TikTok|@martina20._.01
Image Source: TikTok|@elizabethdewitt2
Image Source: TikTok|@elizabethdewitt2

@ahrwyn wrote: “No matter how much you shock him, you will always be his love. » @kippenhurst remarked: “I love how he is so passionate. » Fellow Italians came to the rescue and shared Carlo’s disbelief. @gabriel_bannon exclaimed: “He’s right! You’re not at Starbucks! » @flaminireikihealer exclaimed: “His face looked like his soul had left his body. As an Italian, I felt the same way. @chozun_ said: “His face at the end screams illegal in Italian expressions.” @angelina23 shared a well-informed fact saying: “In France, we never take it as a drink. It’s always with food or small pastries in the afternoon.

You can follow Carlo and Sarah (@carloandsarah) on TikTok for more humor and relationship content.