
Tivoli hospital reopens after fire. Rocca: “Emergencies will also be available soon”

Tivoli hospital reopens after fire.  Rocca: “Emergencies will also be available soon”

The hospital Saint John the Evangelist of Tivoli, in the suburbs of Rome, reactivated its departments and services yesterday, after the fire that occurred on the night of December 8 to 9. The reopening took place in full compliance with the schedule, anticipating the work planned by the roadmap, as in the case of the oncology department and the oncology day hospital attached to it, both operational since May 20. This morning, the president of the Lazio Region, Francesco Rocca, the regional director of the Directorate of Health and Social and Sanitary Integration, Andrea Urbani, and the extraordinary commissioner of the local health authority Roma 5, Silvia Cavallithey noted the state of the redevelopment and the new equipment of the health establishment.

After six months, the hospital overcame the emergency resulting from the fire last December, in which three people lost their lives, and began to guarantee surgical, diagnostic and outpatient services to the community again, exception of the emergency room which will return to be operational from September 30, as established by the schedule presented on March 18, whose services are in any case guaranteed by the First Point of Intervention activated from March 25 . All that is missing is the emergency rooms which will reopen in September. “The fire experience at the Tivoli hospital was devastating – said the president of the Lazio Region. Francesco Rocca -. The victims, the immense difficulties of citizens and health professionals. Compliance with the schedule was essential and I intend to express my thanks to the company commissioner Silvia Cavalli, to the director Andrea Urbani and to the technicians of the Roma 2 and 5 health companies.

“Today, we are making departments, services and clinics safe, with the new equipment,” he explained. Rocca, announcing that “emergency rooms will reopen soon. Our commitment to improving the regional health service is maximum, as demonstrated by the 14 thousand hires already authorized (many of which concern ASL Roma 5) and the incessant work to acquire the diaries of approved individuals, in order to reduce delays waiting. lists. In this area we are working on the construction of the new Tiburtino Hospital”, concluded the president Rocca. Following the release of the seizure by the Prosecutor’s Office at the Tivoli Court of Wing A and Wing B, the local health authority Roma 5 ensured the safe reactivation of both technologies and systems, departments, services and clinics of the establishment. , which has already become almost fully usable again for 24 hours.

He Saint John the Evangelist, in addition to the oncology department, it opened the analysis laboratory, the general surgery department, the operating theaters, the intensive care unit and the intensive care unit, the birth center, the hemodynamic department, the of cardiology and cardiological resuscitation, the maternal and child space (birthing unit, nursery, neonatal pathology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics), the orthopedics and traumatology department, the urology department, the otolaryngology, the pathological anatomy section and the multidisciplinary surgery department, with weekly hospitalization. Since last March, Tivoli Hospital had gradually opened to the public the first aid station, the dialysis department, the nephrology department, the immunohematology and transfusion medicine (Simt) department, the medicine department, the radiology and the psychiatric diagnosis and treatment service. (SPDC).

The emergency phase, which last December had pushed President Rocca, as well as the director Urbani, to implement extraordinary measures. In particular, the extension of the “experimental and temporary project to manage overcrowding in the emergency rooms of hospitals in Lazio”, through the activation of 178 beds in approved structures. An essential measure to avoid overloading the emergency services and hospital services of ASL Rome 5 and the capital. A rapid transfer of patients was carried out from the emergency rooms of the hospitals of the Sant’Andrea University Hospital, the Umberto I University Hospital, Sandro Pertini, the Tor Vergata Hospital, Casilino and Mother Giuseppina Vannini. Furthermore, the creation of a health and technical investigation commission, whose mission is to reconstruct the dynamics of the fire, to provide possible additional evaluation elements to the competent management and to develop all appropriate solutions. , aimed at guaranteeing the safety of care and to prevent similar events from recurring in the future.

Then the approval of the new Tiburtino hospital as part of the Health Construction Investment Plan (ex article 20) last December. The planned investment is 204 million euros. Administration Rocca released the intervention for the construction of the New Tiburtino Hospital with 392 beds, compared to the current 261 beds of the Tivoli Hospital. Previously, President Rocca had the regional council approve the investment plan in sanitary construction, amounting to 37 interventions, for one billion and 171 million euros: the seismic and fire-fighting adaptation of the local health authorities and hospitals for 335 million euros and 375 million euros. , until the purchase of new machines. In just over three months, the Region planned the means that had been waiting to be finalized for years.

“A few months after this tragic night, the Tivoli hospital is gradually resuming its activity and its role in the hospital network of the Region – explained the director of the health department, Andrea Urbani -. It is important to emphasize that the hirings, authorized last week, will not only allow the safe reopening of the Tivoli Hospital, but also to maintain the strengthening of services that have affected other hospitals in the province of Rome, thanks to the temporary transfer of Tivoli Hospital staff,” Urbani concluded. “The Tivoli Hospital was reopened after important fire prevention and redevelopment interventions, carried out thanks to the support of the Lazio Region – added the commissioner Cavalli -. The hospital thus resumes its central role both in the healthcare offering of ASL Roma 5 and the Lazio Region. Improvement work is still underway, such as the construction of two digestive endoscopy rooms and the new emergency room which will reopen in September. Neurology activations with the stroke and interventional radiology unit are scheduled,” concluded Commissioner Cavalli.

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